Optimal Timing for Exercise: Maximize Benefits with Sven Seidenstock’s Tips

2023-08-28 08:56:46

German fitness expert and trainer Sven Seidenstock reported that the date of exercise has a great impact on achieving maximum benefit from it, indicating that it is better to practice endurance sports (cardio exercises) such as jogging before eating breakfast; Because the effect of burning fat is higher compared to exercising after breakfast.

It’s also best to do muscle-strengthening exercises before noon, Zeidenstock added. Because the hormones responsible for the effect of muscle building are at their highest levels of concentration in the blood at this time.

The German fitness trainer warned against exercising before going to sleep. Because it limits the secretion of the sleep hormone «melatonin»; Which leads to sleep difficulties.

And when you want to exercise in the evening, then you should do it for at least an hour and a half to two hours before going to sleep.

#time #burn #fat. #fitness #coach #recommends #date

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