Optimizing Limited Time: Effective Training Strategies for Building Muscle Mass

2023-08-02 23:44:00
>THE NATION>HealthAugust2 of 202320:44

increase the muscular time and having a defined and strong body is usually a desire shared by most people. However, for many it is simply an illusion since they believe that by not having much free time, it is impossible for them to train. This “excuse” is one of the main barriers that prevents people from practicing physical activity and acquiring its benefits.

It happens that in the modern world, finding that “little time” to go to the gym is difficult for those who are exceeded with work and family responsibilities. Concerned about this situation and seeking to reverse it, fitness experts often recommend different routines and innovate in disciplines of all kinds to attract this group of people, although sometimes without success. In this regard, a analysis published in the magazine Sports Medicine, suggests that the strength training It is the most effective when you want to gain muscle mass, but do not have much time.

According to its authors, when training of this caliber is programmed to optimize the lack of time, “Bilateral exercises should be prioritized – on both sides of the body simultaneously – and multi-articular, which include dynamic movements, both eccentric and concentric, and perform at least one focused on the legs, such as squats, one related to upper body power, such as a pull-up and another from the same area but that has to do with the push: press of shoulders”. In turn, they add that they can be executed both with machines or elements and simply with body weight. As they comment, this will depend on the personal objectives and the physical capacity of each one.

For his part, Ignacio Valloni, a graduate in physical education and personal trainer, agrees with what is stated in the report and points out that training “must always be complete and comprehensive where all muscle groups are worked, therefore, when a person has little time to exercise, either two or three times a week and does not have more than an hour, they should think about doing weight lifting work full body”.

Basic hypertrophy exercises allow you to gain strength, structure and work capacityshutterstock – Shutterstock

The hypertrophy es progressive muscle growth. It is performed “from precise stimuli that require several repetitions and it is not necessary to carry too much weight,” says Pablo Pelegri, a sports doctor.

In this regard, Javier Furman, a kinesiologist and physiotherapist, explains that this type of training is very important, especially in people over the age of 40 because at this point in life the sarcopenia: loss of muscle mass. “When we muscle, in addition to strengthening the body, substances called myokines are released whose functions are to give us energy, happiness and keep us in a good mood.”

But how do you approach this type of training when you’re short on time? For Maia Rastalsky, physical trainer, you have to focus on working holistically starting with the largest muscle groups both the lower body: glutes and quadriceps, and the upper body: pectorals and dorsals”. In pursuit of this, there will be different ways to perform the exercises.

HIIT is another of the recommended workouts when you want to gain muscle mass, but have little time to trainShutterstock

On the one hand, from the aforementioned report they mention the movements multiarticulares, where several joints are used at the same time to execute the exercise, which allows lifting a greater amount of weight. The squat, overhead press, and bent-over row are the examples highlighted in the report. Secondly, character exercises are listed uniarticular, designed to work specific muscle chains. Among them: leg extension, biceps flexion and shoulder abduction.

In turn are the bilateral exercises where both sides of the body are worked in unison. According to Rastalsky, the recommended exercises in these cases include squats that test the quads and glutes, deadlifts to re-work the glutes and hamstrings, hip raises aka hip thrust; flat press to exercise the pectorals and rowing. At the other extreme, says the report, are the unilateral movements, where one side of the body is exercised at a time. As Valloni comments, in this instance the deadlift on one leg, the Bulgarian squat or the rowing stand out.

Although these last two forms of training are effective, they also carry certain differences and the one that is chosen to work on will depend on the objective and physical condition of each person. As the report describes, Performing bilateral exercises implies greater stability, therefore, in the event that additional weight is used, its load may be higher than when working with only one leg. However, they point out that unilateral exercises promote stability and coordination work.

Hypertrophy has to do with progressive muscle growthSlatan – Shutterstock

“Doing basic hypertrophy exercises, at least for people who have little time to train, It allows you to gain strength, structure and work capacity. The objective is to seek the greatest efficiency in the shortest possible time”, explains Valloni.

For his part, Furman recommends the High intensity interval training, better known as HIIT (high intensity interval training) which is very popular due to its efficiency and the few minutes it takes. It consists of alternating short periods of high-intensity exercise with moments of recovery or light exercise for about ten to 15 minutes. These are exercises that simulate the natural movement of the body where muscle contraction is put into play: “These movements recreate those of every day: throwing a ball or picking it up off the ground, jumping or running. And its benefits, in addition to strengthening the body in an integral way, prepare it for daily activities”, says the kinesiologist.

These two variables are usually a topic of discussion when training. However, in cases where time is pressing, what is convenient, say the specialists consulted, is Prioritize the quality of the exercises over the weight you lift. In any case, Pelegri mentions that in order to really see the results and to achieve that muscular adaptation, the minimum training frequency must be three times a week with a duration of between 45 minutes and one hour.

The quality of the exercises and the weight that is lifted should be prioritized over the duration of the routineUfaBizPhoto

Added to this, to gain muscle mass, says Rastalsky, hypertrophy work is done by doing between ten to 12 repetitions and between three to four series with an active pause of 30 seconds to a minute for each muscle group. Of course, you must not exceed this pause time so that the muscle does not relax completely and change the focus of the training. On the other hand, the trainer advises that the load and intensity usually vary throughout the month so as not to overload the body: “In general, in the first week you lift a greater amount of load and do more repetitions and then decrease week by week. week. For example, in the first week you can do four series of 12 repetitions, the second, four series of eight repetitions and so on.

Although it may sound cliché, specialists emphasize the importance of consult with a health professional before starting an activity in order to know where you are standing and whether or not risks may appear along the way. In this sense, the physical trainers consulted advise all people, even if they are healthy, to have preventive check-ups, which include a strength and resistance test. In addition, they add that it is a way of knowing oneself both from the physical plane and also in relation to personal objectives.

Finally, on the path of fitness, the food and rest they play a key role. These two pillars complement each other for optimal performance. A good night’s sleep, which, as pointed out from the American Dream Foundation, Ideally, for adults over 18 years of age, it should be seven hours, it repairs tissues and releases accumulated stress, allowing the body to be renewed the next day. In relation to nutrition, “we must understand it as our motor: it gives us or takes away the energy we need”, the specialists remark.

Along this path, Alejandra Hintze, a sports doctor and member of the Argentine Association of Sports Traumatology, comments that increase daily protein intake, a macronutrient that collaborates in the formation of muscle tissues.

Without a doubt, training requires dedication, perseverance and discipline. In any case, and beyond what is believed, everyone can do it: in the morning, in the afternoon, at night. Although there are times of the day that can have greater benefits, the reality is that this takes a backseat to someone who is with limited time. Definitely what matters is being on the move.

Conocé The Trust Project
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