These dietary supplements prevent cancer in old age

Dietary supplements reduce the risk of cancer in old age

The older you get, the higher the risk of developing cancer – the second leading cause of death in the elderly. However, the cancer risk can also be significantly influenced in old age. Because we know that the more active a person is and the healthier they eat, the less likely it is that they will develop cancer.

In addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise, there are other factors that can reduce the risk of cancer, such as vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Both can be easily dosed and taken daily in the form of dietary supplements.

Vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer

In in vitro studies, Vitamin D inhibit the growth of cancer cells because it monitors certain genes in the cells that can otherwise cause the abnormal cells to multiply unchecked. Observational studies also showed that the healthier the vitamin D level, the lower the risk of cancer.

However, in studies in which the participants took vitamin D as a dietary supplement, the results were not uniform in terms of cancer prevention – although the German Cancer Research Center had only announced in 2021 that one could do it annually Prevent 30,000 cancer deathsif all Germans over 50 took vitamin D regularly.

If the cancer is already there, the vitamin reduce the risk of a severe course.

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of cancer

Also Omega-3 fatty acids possess anti-cancer properties, particularly those long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, slow down the proliferation of cancer cells and the formation of blood vessels that would otherwise supply the cancer with nutrients.

At the same time, a large meta-analysis from 2020 showed only a small influence on the risk of cancer or the risk of dying from cancer, making the study presented below all the more interesting.

How exercise lowers the risk of cancer

Regular exercise and sport are indispensable components in cancer prevention. Because sport reduces inflammatory processes and strengthens the body’s own defense functions, so that the immune system can recognize cancer cells better and eliminate them more thoroughly. Observational studies then also showed that people have a lower cancer risk and – if they do get cancer – have higher chances of survival the more sport they do.

Some tumors actually shrink when intensive training is done (HIIT) – we report here: Colon cancer shrinks through exercise

Study: Which measure protects best against cancer?

The combined administration of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids in connection with cancer has so far only been examined in a few smaller studies (each with fewer than 100 participants), so that there is a clear need for research here. The study presented here is therefore the first randomized and controlled double-blind study on the effect of the three measures mentioned on the cancer risk. It was published in the specialist journal on April 25, 2022 Frontiers in Aging.

Participants were more than 2150 older people (70 plus) from 5 European countries (Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and Portugal) ( 1 ). Over a three-year period, it examined how dietary supplementation with vitamin D and/or omega-3 fatty acids and physical activity affected the participants’ risk of cancer.

The sports activities consisted of very simple exercises (strength and mobility exercises) that could be carried out by the participants at home, e.g. B. standing up from sitting, standing on one leg or exercises with resistance bands.

There were 8 groups:

  1. Participants who received 2000 IU of vitamin D3 daily
  2. Participants taking 1000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA in a ratio of 2:1, i.e. twice as much DHA as EPA) daily
  3. Participants who practiced the exercise program described above
  4. Participants taking vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids
  5. Participants who took vitamin D and did the exercise program
  6. Participants who took omega-3 fatty acids and did the exercise program
  7. Participants who implemented all three measures (vitamin D, omega 3 and exercise program)
  8. Placebo group

Combine as many measures as possible!

The evaluation showed the following results (each in comparison to the placebo group):

  1. Group 1 (vitamin D) had a 24 percent lower risk of cancer.
  2. Group 2 (omega-3 fatty acids) had a 30 percent lower risk of cancer.
  3. Group 3 (exercise) had a 26 percent lower risk of cancer.
  4. Group 4 (vitamin D with omega-3 fatty acids) had a 47 percent lower risk of cancer.
  5. Group 5 (vitamin D plus exercise) had a 44 percent reduced risk.
  6. Group 6 (omega-3 fatty acids plus exercise) had a 48 percent reduced risk of cancer.
  7. Group 7 (all measures together) had the lowest cancer risk, namely a 61 percent reduced risk.

The positive effects of the individual measures seem to potentiate each other, so that a combination of several dietary supplements with sport is obviously the very best way to keep the personal risk of cancer in old age as low as possible.

*You will receive here high-quality omega-3 fatty acids with exactly the dose used in the study above and the appropriate DHA-EPA ratio.

*With just 2 drops of this daily Vitamin D Drops stock up on the 2000 IU of vitamin D3 taken in the study above. The recommended vitamin D drops also contain vitamin K2, which takes care of the correct distribution of the calcium absorbed from the intestine by vitamin D (it should go to the bones, not the blood vessels).

*If you are looking for pure vitamin D drops, you can find them here: Vitamin D Drops

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