Order of foods to help stabilize blood sugar

Type 2 diabetes can cause your blood sugar to become too high. It is often caused by lifestyle factors such as being overweight or inactive, although it can run in families. Therefore, adjust daily meal very important if you are sick or at risk.

British health coach and nutritionist, Arina Kuzmina, recommends eating foods in a certain sequence. As a result, you can stabilize your blood sugar.

You should start your meal with vegetables. Artwork: Originalhomesteading

She told Express: “Eat the dishes in the correct order. It’s not just what you eat that matters, but how you eat affects your blood sugar.”

“Tips to control blood sugar It’s very simple: Eat vegetables first, then fat and protein, then sugar and starch. The fiber in vegetables coats the intestinal wall. As a result, less sugars and starches are absorbed at a slower rate. As a result, blood sugar levels are more balanced,” explains expert Kuzmina.

The female expert also shared some more ways to stabilize blood sugar:

Do not eat breakfast with foods that contain a lot of sugar

One of the ‘pandemics’ of our century is turning breakfast into a dessert with lots of sugar. Food first wakes up your digestive system and determines how your cells respond to blood sugar throughout the day.”

Start your day with a light snack that combines the “golden” trio of protein, healthy fats, and fiber. A great option would be an omelet with a portion of salad.

Don’t lie on the sofa after a meal

Instead, consider going for a walk for 10 minutes after a meal. Physical activity after a meal helps release blood sugar and causes your muscles to use up energy, reducing the risk of obesity.

Don’t just eat sweets as a snack

“If you want to enjoy sweets as a snack, add some foods that contain fiber or protein,” warns Kuzmina. That choice will help reduce blood sugar spikes caused by simple carbs and will prolong satiety and energy levels.”

For example, you can have a cake with a portion of yogurt rich in protein and healthy fats.

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