“Overcoming Addiction and Finding Success: Alex, Lady, and Yurani’s Journey to the International Film Festival”

2023-05-11 04:20:00

Alex (Brian Moreno) y Lady (Natalia Reyes) lend a hand to Yurani (Yuri Vargas) so that he can get ahead and overcome his drug addiction problems; Lady even invites her to travel with her to Cartagena where she will be part of the International Film Festival.

Pacho once again gives Yurani money to buy drugs, but once again demands that he not return to the tenancy, or he could get into serious trouble with Albeiro.

Lady and Yurani make peace after being estranged for a long time; both travel to Cartagena, where they get to know the sea and stroll through the Walled City.

However, Lady ends up in trouble, because she does not receive the credential that allows her to enter the International Film Festival and the guard does not let her in; therefore, Marco must come to her aid so that she does not miss a historic moment.

‘The Rose Seller’ receives the People’s Favorite Movie award, and Lady gives a very emotional speech after receiving the statuette. The young woman remembers all the people she has lost since she started filming the film and thanks Marco for her vote of confidence.

Pacho gets drunk and is taken by Albeiro to his room, but right there, the latter discovers a piece of clothing belonging to his daughter Yurani.

#Chapter #Lady #seller #roses

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