Pap smear saves 13,000 people a year National Health Administration: Avoiding three behaviors before testing affects accuracy-Instant News-Free Health Network

The National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare held a press conference on health education today, reminding female friends to do smear screening regularly. Before the examination, be careful not to rinse the vagina, do not place suppositories or tampons, and do not have sex for 3 days to avoid affecting the accuracy of screening. sex. (Photo by reporter Qiu Zhirou)

[Reporter Qiu Zhirou/Taipei Report]Cervical cancer ranks the eighth cause of cancer death among women in Taiwan. The government has been promoting the “6-minute life-saving” Pap smear test for many years to keep women and friends away from the threat of cervical cancer. According to the latest statistics from the National Health Administration , about 13,000 cases of precancerous lesions and cervical cancer can be successfully identified every year, and the disease process can be blocked. The National Health Administration reminded that before accepting the Pap smear test, you should be careful not to flush the vagina, not to place suppositories or tampons, and not to have sex for 3 days to avoid affecting the accuracy of the screening.

Regular smear screening can detect cervical lesions at an early stage. To avoid inaccurate detection, avoid doubling the vagina, placing suppositories or tampons, and refraining from sexual activity for the first 3 days before the examination. Shi Jingquan, the convener of the Supervisory Committee of the Taiwan Family Medicine Association, further explained that the best time to check is between the 10th and 20th day of menstruation, or 3 or 4 days after menstruation ends. If there is vaginal infection, wait until treatment 2 Check again after a week, tampons, vaginal suppositories, spermicides, lubricants, etc. will affect the quality of the smear, so avoid using it before the examination, and pregnant women are advised to do the examination 3 months after delivery.

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The National Health Administration shared that the 61-year-old Ms. Zhang had never had a Pap smear test. At first, she refused to go no matter how much the nurse at the health center persuaded her. Finally, she was finally persuaded by her son and daughter to undergo a smear test. With moderate precancerous lesions, the cervix conical resection was performed immediately. The doctor bluntly said that “if it is a few years later, it will deteriorate into cervical cancer.” She shouted for 6 minutes and really saved her life.

Wu Zhao, director of the National Health Administration, said that the National Health Administration subsidizes women over the age of 30 to have a Pap smear every year. Today, about 2 million people receive services every year, and about 12,000 cases of precancerous lesions and about 1,200 cases of precancerous lesions can be found. For cases of cervical cancer, statistics show that the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer have decreased by 70%.

“When the Pap smear test result is positive, it does not mean that you have cancer.” Lin Liru, head of the cancer team of the National Health Administration, said that when the test result is positive, you should follow the doctor’s instructions for further examination, and return for follow-up and diagnosis and treatment. There are no obvious symptoms in the early stage of cervical cancer. Regular smear screening can detect cervical lesions at an early stage. 97.9% of cervical precancerous lesions and early cervical cancer cases. Early cervical cancer cases have a 5-year survival rate after treatment. The survival rate can reach more than 90%. If there is no regular screening and late detection, the survival rate of the fourth stage drops sharply to about 20%.

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