Paris: a shopping center accepts payment in cryptocurrencies, a first

It’s a little bit of communication, but that means a lot about the democratization of Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. The Beaugrenelle shopping center in Paris is the first in France to accept the purchase of gift cards – usable in its shops – in cryptocurrencies, through the Lyzi application, report BFM TV et LSA-Conso. This will be possible from this Wednesday.

It will not be enough to go to a store in the mall to pay in Bitcoin (or other cryptocurrencies) since it is only the purchase of a gift card, via the Lyzi application, which is possible. In other words: payment in cryptocurrency goes through a transformation into euros and amounts to the same thing as transforming your cryptocurrencies into euros before going to a store. Payment in cryptocurrency is already possible in several hundred businesses across the country.

Trainings for customers

“The center will thus offer its customers the opportunity to use their cryptocurrencies to pay for their gift card, which can be used in all the shops and all the restaurants of the Magnetic and Panoramic buildings on rue Linois in the 15th arrondissement of the capital”, explains the shopping center. in the press release.

Lizy customers will be trained in this new way of paying if they wish. Employees of the company will be in the shopping center between June 8 and July 8 to present the solution. A solution which remains restrictive as it is implemented at Beaugrenelle since it must necessarily go through the purchase of a gift card. For now ?

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