Peanuts – does it help you lose weight?

12:38 PM

Wednesday 31 August 2022

New research shows that peanuts help shed some unwanted pounds and keep heart health in check.

According to Russia Today, the study found that eating 35 grams of dry roasted and slightly salted peanuts before two main meals each day can contribute to weight loss, lower blood pressure and improve fasting glucose levels.

When evaluating two groups of Australian adults at moderate or high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, the researchers tested the effect of eating 70 grams of peanuts (15 grams extra fiber) in addition to a weight loss diet, compared to a traditional low-fat diet. Weight loss diet.

They found that both groups lost weight after 6 months (6.7 kg).

Those who ate peanuts had a greater improvement in blood pressure, as this group reported a decrease in blood pressure (by 5 mmHg) which is associated with a 10% lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

The “peanut group” ate 35 grams of peanuts twice daily, 30 minutes before two main meals. Participants in the control (non-peanut) group did not consume peanut butter.

Both groups limited their energy intakes to 5,500 kilojoules (for women) and 7,000 kilojoules (for men) and kept their exercise patterns constant throughout the study.

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This research was conducted in Adelaide, South Australia by Professor Peter Clifton of UniSA and Associate Professor Jennifer Keogh.

“The study breaks down some misconceptions about the health effects of peanuts,” says Texas Tech University Associate Professor Christina Petersen.

“Our study found that peanuts, which are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, can be part of an effective weight loss diet,” Petersen adds.

She continues: “People often avoid peanuts when trying to lose weight because they think they contain a lot of kilojoules, however peanuts actually have a high satiety value, which means that they can make you feel full for longer and this can be beneficial Really overweight.”

Petersen notes that realizing that foods rich in protein and fiber can provide a feeling of fullness can help reduce the desire to snack or overeat, and peanuts are one such food.

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