Periodic certification: Nadiege Baille is appointed president of the national council as of March 12, 2024

2024-03-13 09:41:35

Nadiège Baille*, hospital director, is appointed president of the national council for periodic certification, which brings together a collegial body

and 7 professional commissions: dental surgeons, nurses, masseurs-physiotherapists, doctors, chiropodists-podiatrists, pharmacists and midwives.

She succeeds Professor Lionel Collet, appointed president of the High Health Authority (HAS) in April 2023.

Provided for by the law of July 2019 on the organization and transformation of the health system and declined by the order of July 2021, the periodic certification procedure aims to guarantee the maintenance of the skills of health professionals to order and ensure the best quality of practices . To respond to the challenges linked to the transversality of health pathways, multidisciplinarity and multi-professionality, professionals carry out an action program defined based on benchmarks adapted to the exercises and their specialties.

As part of the missions entrusted to it, the national council for the certification of health professionals (CNCP) must support the deployment of the periodic certification procedure. It defines the scientific orientations while ensuring that the actors involved in this procedure are independent of any link of interest and that the actions taken into account are consistent with professional scientific and academic knowledge as well as the ethical rules of the professions. concerned.

*General director of the Dijon-Bourgogne university hospital center until fall 2022, Nadiège Baille is now general inspector of social affairs.

A graduate of the School of Advanced Studies in Public Health (EHESP), she began her career at the civil hospices of Lyon, as deputy director of the Debrousse hospital (1996-2001)

then deputy director of personnel and social affairs in charge of management, budget and non-medical staff numbers (2001-2005).

For 6 years, she managed the Trévoux hospital center (Ain) and was interim manager of several establishments.

She then held the position of director of the Montélimar and Dieulefit hospital center, within the regional hospital group (GHT) of Sud-Drôme-Ardèche (2011-2016).

She also provided interim management and then joint management with the intercommunal hospital center of Bourg-Saint-Andéol-Viviers (Ardèche).

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Contacts presse :

Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity

General Directorate of Care Supply

#Periodic #certification #Nadiege #Baille #appointed #president #national #council #March

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