Physical exercise omicron pandemic: Physical exercise would increase the capacity of vaccines against COVID-19 | Trends

Fabulous news unfolded following the results of a study which showed that performing physical exercise after applying the booster dosehelps to increase the power of the biologicals to combat COVID-19.

The research was carried out by a team of scientists from Iowa State University (Ames), who studied a group of 70 people who were going to receive the vaccine against him virus or the one of the influenza. The first thing they did was collect blood samples to analyze their antigen levels, then they put some of them to do physical exercise for 90 minutes while others were asked to sit and wait after the inoculation.

The results showed that those who did physical exercise after receiving the vaccine for 90 minutes they produced more antigens than those who remained at rest. This time was chosen because there is previous evidence that suggested that in this lapse it was possible to increase interferon alpha in the blood and that stimulates the creation of immune cells.

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This research reinforces that carried out in 2020, on a group of athletes who were found to have more antigens Y immune cells, after performing physical exercise after receiving the influenza vaccine.

So once again they ratify what to do physical exercise protects the body from contracting virus and reinforces the doses to counteract this disease that has caused more than 5 million deaths in the world.

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