Plastic Surgery: HLA Montpellier

Generally, the idea of ​​undergoing surgery generates “doubts and fears”, according to professionals. If we talk about Plastic surgeryIn addition, rumors and myths are added that have sometimes even given rise to false news without medical foundation, which causes controversy and disinformation. Mario Secorun and Valentín Yuste, specialists in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at HLA Montpellier, resolve these issues that can interfere with patients’ decisions.

Are the results of Cosmetic Surgery operations artificial?

Mario Secorun: One of the questions my patients ask me the most is, “Will my results look natural?” My answer is always the same: if you look for realistic results, Yes. The key is to always be honest with yourself about what you hope to achieve.

It is always important to remember that plastic surgery change the body, it does not transform it into a new one. This means that no amount of surgery will ever change who you are or make you a different person. You can only work on what already exists and improve it in a way that allows the patient to better appreciate her body and feel more sure of his appearance. That’s why we want all of our patients to come in with realistic goals. We do everything we can to help make them a reality. It is always important to remember that plastic surgery is not a “quick fix.”

Do the sutures of plastic surgery surgical interventions leave a scar?

Valentin Yuste: Every suture leaves a scar. What plastic surgery is looking for is that these scars are as imperceptible as possible. In the first place, this is achieved through suture techniques that favor the scar is very thin. Secondly, we try to keep them as short as the intervention allows us. Finally, we always seek to place the scars in the areas where they are most hidden.

This is achieved in certain procedures such as the rhinoplasty or blepharoplasty that many times not even we can find the scars. In procedures such as abdominoplasty, where the scars are larger, we can ask the patient to come with the underwear she would like to wear on the day of the intervention, to design the scar in such a way that is hidden.

Are more and more men undergoing cosmetic surgery treatments?

Mario Secorun: Plastic surgery is no longer just for women. Although these have long been the majority of plastic surgery applicants, men too resort to these treatments more and more. Body image and self-confidence are factors that motivate men to seek out a plastic surgeon.

Many men are embarrassed by his appearance and want to feel good about their body. With these motivations in mind, men have been seeking the help of plastic surgeons and the numbers have been increasing. Men now turn to surgery to correct overdeveloped breasts, reduce the effects of aging, improve their image, and reshape facial and body contours.

News has been published about people undergoing multitudes of plastic surgeries to look like famous people or even fictional icons. Can cosmetic surgery trace the features and features of other people?

Valentin Yuste: plastic surgery can shape the features of a person and make their features more harmonious, but always in relation to their own facial structure. This was seen very clearly when face transplants began: the features of the transplanted faces fit the structure bone of recipient patients.

On the other hand, it is very complicated and even inadvisable to try to imitate the features of a certain person. As doctors we must always assess whether what they ask of us is realistic or advisable: not everything goes. In the cases that you raise, we could be talking about a dismorfofobia (a disorder consisting of unusual preoccupation with some defect).

At a general level, is cosmetic surgery considered addictive?

Mario Secorun: After 25 years of experience, I can affirm that cosmetic surgery does not usually create addiction. The idea that cosmetic surgery is only for people obsessed with their appearance is one of the biggest myths in the industry. The reality is that most people seek cosmetic surgery because they have a medical condition that affects their appearance and self-esteem.

Studies have shown that most people who undergo cosmetic surgery are happy with the results of their first procedure and do not feel the need to repeat it. This is especially true for patients who have realistic expectationsthat they have a healthy state of mind and that they understand the risks involved.

However, some people undergo multiple procedures, including touch-ups and revisions. This is usually due to several reasons:

1- The person feels that their original surgery has not given the results they expected to achieve.

2- The person has developed new concerns about herself or her appearance.

3- The person is generally satisfied with the results of the first intervention, but believes that they could be improved. The plastic surgeon must be attentive to identify these patients and make them see reality, understanding that, sometimes, more surgery is not the answer.

Do the results of cosmetic surgery remain for life?

Valentin Yuste: Many of our patients have previously undergone more conservative aesthetic medicine treatments, such as infiltration with hyaluronic acid or the use of botulinum toxin. Unlike these treatments, which must be repeated after a certain time, plastic surgery interventions have a definitive effect on the treated area. Therefore, the results of cosmetic surgery are permanent in the sense that they do not disappear or have to be repeated after a few months.

On the other hand, something I always explain to my patients is that cosmetic surgery does not stop the aging process: If you have a blepharoplasty at age 45, you will probably have some skin left over twenty years later.

Similarly, if a patient undergoes a breast lift or tummy tuck and subsequently becomes pregnant again, after a while it may be necessary to retouch intervention. Therefore, it is essential to know the expectations of patients and plan surgery at the most appropriate time.

There is the so-called “plastic surgery tourism”. Is it really cheaper to travel abroad to undergo cosmetic surgery?

Mario Secorun: Although it is logical to consider the costs of any surgical treatment, it is important to know that the cost of plastic surgery abroad may be only a fraction of what a patient will have to pay if experience complications or unsatisfactory results. When traveling to another country to undergo plastic surgery, it is important to consider the experience of the chosen surgeon and the facilities of the clinic. If problems arise in the operation, it can be difficult to solve them before returning home.

Complications are rare, but can occur. When it comes to health, quality and safety are the two most important factors. We must never forget that health is priceless.

There are some beliefs about the relationship of breast implants with the difficulty in carrying out diagnostic imaging tests or inconveniences during breastfeeding. Does mammoplasty influence any of these two factors?

Valentin Yuste: A patient with breast implants must continue screening for breast cancer like the rest of the population. However, it is important that these patients indicate that they have implants when requesting the mammography appointment or before it. In these cases, it may be necessary additional projections to evaluate all breast tissue. Additionally, and in the event that the radiologist has doubts about the findings, he may decide to indicate another test other than mammography, such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging.

Regarding breastfeeding, it is an important factor that must be discussed with patients at the first visit. There is a small percentage of patients in whom disrupt lactation in the case of periareolar augmentation, since the lactiferous ducts can be injured. If it is essential for the patient to maintain lactation, it is advisable to use the submammary route.

To what extent are these operations necessary for patients? Is it something temporary? Can you talk about a specific case that has impacted you during your career?

Mario Secorun: Cosmetic surgery has a reputation for being a superficial solution to deep problems, but the truth couldn’t be more different. Men and women who undergo plastic surgery feel that the treatment helps them live a fuller life. Some experience a confidence enhancement themselves and feel more comfortable with their appearance, while others enjoy feelings of greater self-esteem.

For example, one of the most common surgeries is rhinoplasty, which can be performed for both cosmetic and medical reasons. A deviated septum, for example, can prevent nasal breathing, which in turn can lead to sleep apnea. Therefore, a nose job may not be a matter of vanity at all, but can literally improve health. Similarly, breast reduction surgery may be performed because a woman’s breasts are so large that they cause her back pain, and she may have the added benefit of making her feel more confident in her body. The facts confirm that plastic surgery is not a passing fashion, it is part of our lives and contributes to Improve Life Quality of our patients.

In addition, plastic surgery is not only for aesthetic purposes; can also be used for repair a disfigurement caused by an accident or a birth defect. I remember a patient I had years ago. It was a 6-year-old boy who had suffered multiple bites from a dog in the face with a great destruction of tissues, after several interventions I managed to recover his appearance and today he is a normal person. I don’t know if he will remember me, but I am proud of what I helped him achieve.

Are plastic surgery procedures painful? Do they require more care during the postoperative period?

Valentin Yuste: Plastic surgery acts on very diverse areas. Therefore, there are more and less painful procedures. Normally, those procedures in which acts on the muscle (basically, breast augmentation with subpectoral planes and abdominoplasty with rectus plication). On the contrary, an intervention lasting several hours in which the muscle is not manipulated, such as breast reduction, has a very bearable postoperative period.

That said, postoperative pain management is a critical concern for any surgeon and anesthetist. Our anesthesia team is very aware of this aspect, and we always invest time before starting surgery to infiltrate the nerves that are related to this pain, in such a way that we obtain much more painless postoperative periods. In the operating room, as in so many things, there is no need to be in a hurry.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.

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