[Pokemon GO]List of Pokemon available as evolution items. Fill in the picture book at once[Evolution Focus Event]| AppBank

From 10:00 on October 5th to 20:00 on October 11th “Pokémon GODuring the “Evolution Focus Event” held at !, you have a chance to get a lot of evolution items!?

Evolution items are easily available during Evolution Focus events!

The “Evolution Focus Event” is being held from 10:00 on October 5th to 20:00 on October 11th.

At this event, you can get various Pokemon evolutions, but if you clear limited collection challenges and field research, you can get various evolution items, and you can get Pokemon that can not be obtained without using evolution items. It is possible to proceed with filling the picture book at once.

In this article, we will introduce a list of Pokemon that can be obtained using evolution items.

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