Police say Lesti Kejora was tortured twice by Rizky Billar during an argument due to infidelity

Tribunnews.com Reporter, Abdi Randa Shakti

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The police have received a report of domestic violence (KDRT) from the dancer Lestiani alias Lesti Kejora by her husband, Rizky Billar.

Head of Public Relations Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Endra Zulpan said: Rizky Billar twice committed violence against his wife on Wednesday (28/9/2022).

Zulpan said the first torture was carried out at 01.51 WIB.

At that time, Lesti was about to return to her parents’ house knowing that her husband was allegedly cheating on her.

“Making the reported emotion, M Rizky (Rizky Billar) then resorted to physical violence. Where this physical violence was the reported trying to push and slam the victim into the bed and strangle the victim’s neck so that it fell to the floor. This was done repeatedly,” Zulpan told reporters on Friday ( 30/9/3022).

Also read: Lesti Kejora Treated at Hospital After Experience of Domestic Violence, Lawyers Ask for Prayer: Focus on Dedek’s Healing First

Not only there, Zulpan revealed the torture carried out Rizky Billar continued at around 09.47 WIB.

At that time, Rizky pulled Lesti’s hand towards the bathroom and slammed it on the floor repeatedly.

“So the victim’s hand and neck on the left side of the victim and his body feel pain. Due to this action, the victim reported to the South Jakarta Police and (the police) received this report,” he said.

Report to Police

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