Pope can imagine the end of celibacy

The head of the Catholic Church told the Argentine news portal Infobae. In the interview, Francis recalled that married men are allowed as priests in the Eastern Catholic Church. “There is no contradiction in the fact that a priest can marry,” said the 86-year-old.

For years, Francis has been asked from various quarters to abolish or relax celibacy for priests. It was only on Friday that the delegates of the German Synodal Assembly for the Reform of the Catholic Church passed a text that aims to open up celibacy. The Pope should be asked to examine the future of mandatory celibacy.

When asked by Infobae whether celibacy is revisable, Francis replied yes. He explained that celibacy in the Western Church is a “temporary requirement” and is therefore “provisional” in contrast to, for example, ordination to the priesthood “forever”. But Francis doubted that more men would opt for the priesthood if they were allowed to be married at the same time.


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