Pope visits Ukraine during war to strengthen peace efforts: Ukrainian archbishop

Kyiv: Archbishop Svyatoslav Shevchuk, President of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, has expressed hope that Pope Francis’ visit to Ukraine during the war will strengthen peace efforts in the region. The archbishop’s response came in an interview with British media outlet Channel 5 following the revelation of Pope Francis that he was exploring the possibility of visiting the war-torn Ukraine.

‘If the Pope visits the country during the war, it will be a strong move in peace efforts. We are sincerely waiting for him. We want him to come to Ukraine as soon as possible. Church and government officials are working to make that happen, “said Archbishop Shevchuk. He also pointed out that the current war situation is not an obstacle to the Papal visit. During a recent meeting with the pope, the archbishop reiterated his assurance that he would do everything possible to end the war.

Speaking to reporters on a flight to Malta on April 2, the pope revealed that he was exploring the possibility of a tour of Ukraine. The pope’s response came in response to a question from a journalist about “an invitation to visit the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv.” On his journey from Malta to the Vatican, the pope repeated: ‘I do not know if it is possible, appropriate or better. Maybe it’s really worth it, and I have to do it. ‘

The pope’s words are particularly relevant in the context of the Vatican’s intervention in Russia’s mediation efforts to end the war in Ukraine and bring peace to the region. Observations show that despite the many challenges, including security threats, the words ‘examining the possibility of a visit’ are a good sign. Pope Benedict’s determination to visit Iraq despite security challenges, including the threat of terrorism, is a testament to that.

Ukraine’s mayor Vitaly Klitschko has invited Pope Francis to visit Kyiv amid growing tensions. The mayor’s move follows an invitation from Pope Shevchuk, the president of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The Vatican confirmed the invitation but did not respond. In this context, the Ukrainian people are weaving new hopes into the positive response from the Pope.

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