Pratt Farmer’s Incredible Gift: 32 Hectares of Sunflowers for 50th Wedding Anniversary

2023-08-01 18:13:07

In the United States, a farmer gave a field of sunflowers to his wife for their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

An American farmer has set the bar very high. In addition to a bouquet of flowers, Lee Wilson has decided to offer no less than 32 hectares of sunflowers, or approximately 1.2 million flowers, to his wife, to celebrate their fifty years of marriage.

“We celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary on August 10, so I have thought a lot about what a man can give his wife on this occasion. She’s always loved sunflowers and I thought this was the year to plant some, so we planted 52 acres of sunflowers for her,” Wilson told Kake-tv.

He teamed up with his son to plant the flowers in May, and they managed to keep it all a secret from Renee. The field of sunflowers has now grown, a few miles from Pratt, Kansas, where the Wilsons live.

A field which, in recent weeks, has attracted crowds wanting to see this expanse of flowers which is also the emblem of the State of Kansas.

“I felt like a very special person. I couldn’t have received a more perfect birthday present than a field of sunflowers,” Renee Wilson told Kake-tv.

The Wilsons have been together since high school, and Lee Wilson even shared that their first “date” was at a roller-skating party. He had immediately understood that Renee would be the woman of his life.

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