Prefer boredom to screens for your children according to this expert!

Did you know that Bill Gates and executives from big tech companies limit the use of smartphones and tablets by their children? This precaution aims, among other things, to protect the brain from their harmful influences. A recent study has also pointed out that the devices to screens are a dangerparticularly for those aged under 6 years old. They would damage their memory and ability to concentrate.

Doctor Alvaro Bilbao, neuropsychologist and psychotherapist, therefore alerted parents to early use screen gadgets. He also develops in his book The child’s brain explained to parents why it is necessary limit or even to forbid their use for young children. The specialist thus joins many professionals in this regard.

L’American Academy of Pediatrics had already warned about the risk presented by the screens. The finding is alarming since their early use would threaten development children. They may have problems at school and in society.

At the risk of creating addiction in children

Before the age of 6 ansthe brain is in a phase of development intense. He therefore needs rewarding activities in order to be at the maximum of his abilities. However, everything on the smartphone and on the tablet is not not necessarily beneficial. Dr Bilbao has also emphasized a fact that he considers alarming: the more a child is exposed to screens, the more he would have difficulties.

In his research, the specialist confided that he sees more parents “encourage the use of smartphones and tablets” to their children. However, he believes that the screens cause a loss of interest in more playful activities. Uncontrolled exposure to screens would therefore be a barrier to growth intellectual and personal of the little ones.

Smartphones, tablets and computers can indeed lead to addiction. Without their drugs, children risk develop nervous breakdowns or of isolate oneself. The most serious thing is that in the long term, they could be victims of attention disorders resulting in a lower concentration and an low memory. their educational background and their future would be at stake.

Boredom would be a good alternative to new technologies

In his book, the author promotes some recommendations to better educate the youngest. He advises parents to go little by little with the screens. It should limit their use Has rewarding activities for the brain or with the family.

The researcher also suggests focusing in particular on boredom. A bored child will run his brain through son imagination and his creativity. He will then develop his intellectual capacities.

THE new technologies have transformed the society in which we live and this does not spare children. There is of course a lot to think about in the way in which the youngest should be educated. Without denying their benefits, we must also learn to control them. This essentially happens through a intelligent and responsible education.


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