Prehistoric animals that you will never know

Today many animals are completely extinct; but in a very remote past they lived on the same Earth that we know. Below we present some of the most fascinating species that we will never know. Dare to take a look!

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It was the maximum exponent of the felines and it is estimated that it inhabited North and South America. Similar to a leopard but with very large and sharp teeth.

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They resembled today’s elephants, but they inhabited our planet in the last Ice Age and also served as food for men during the Neolithic.

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Similar to a whale, it is the most mysterious animal species on the planet, millions of years old.

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Despite being related to the gray wolf and the dog, it is an animal from another era.

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It was herbivorous and lived in present-day North America. It was 4 m tall and weighed tons.

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It was a prehistoric glyptodont that inhabited our planet during the Pleistocene until the last Ice Age, 11,000 years ago.

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Because of its shell, it reminds us of a turtle or even an armadillo. Fossils of this animal were found on the American continent, specifically in Argentina.

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It had very strong legs, a long neck, and most likely only one hump (like dromedaries). It is estimated that it became extinct in North America.

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The animal lived in the trees of present-day North America and was omnivorous.

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It was a species of artiodactyl that lived on Earth millions of years ago and whose appearance was reminiscent of a mixture of dog, wild boar and ox.

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Original from continental Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea, it became extinct in the 20th century.

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This prehistoric animal was the ancestor of pigs and lived in the valleys of Eurasia during the Eocene period, almost 30 million years ago.

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Also known as “pig from hell”, his ferocious appearance was probably his greatest characteristic.

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Also known as “rhinoceros-giraffe”, it was one of the largest land mammals ever discovered.

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