Prepare Your Body for Fall: Naturopathy Tips to Boost Immunity and Well-being

2023-09-23 05:00:53

The leaves are turning pretty orange colors, the light is gradually dropping, the temperatures are getting cooler… Autumn is just around the corner. The season is actually an inter-season, it allows us to prepare for the arrival of winter. However, for many it is synonymous with gloom, fatigue and the starting point for illnesses of all kinds: colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, gastroenteritis… What if it wasn’t inevitable? How can we avoid this hassle? The answer is simple: by preparing the body to face changes. This is where naturopathy comes into play, on a daily basis. You’re probably wondering what it’s all about…

Naturopathy is an alternative medicine, an ancestral technique, aimed at restoring an optimal state of well-being through natural solutions, by working on four major pillars of healthy living: diet, sleep, emotions and ‘physical activity.

So how do you prepare for fall? By implementing simple things on a daily basis on the four main pillars.


This is the starting point of everything. A balanced, varied, seasonal diet is the key to boosting your immunity.

Tip 1: Eat seasonal and local fruits and vegetables daily, because they contain the nutrients you need in this season and in your region. Yes, someone who lives in the sun all year round does not need the same nutritional intake as someone who lives in the cold and the gray.

2nd tip: favor fruits and vegetables with orange flesh such as carrots and squash for example, which are rich in vitamin C and therefore perfect for boosting your body.

3rd tip: opt at the start of each of your meals (lunch and evening) for a small portion of seasonal raw vegetables. Raw vegetables retain their nutrients as much as possible.

The sleep

We often feel flat when autumn arrives, we have the impression that our vitality is declining. It is essential to listen to your body, it tells us what to do. So “if I feel tired, I need to rest more.”

1st tip: take naps when the need arises, even if it’s a few minutes, your body needs it.

2nd tip: allow yourself some quiet time at bedtime, such as reading or meditation, for example, in order to relax your body and soothe your mind, which will allow better quality sleep.

3rd tip: avoid consuming sugary products after dinner. Sugar will boost your body, when it should be calm to promote sleep.

The emotions

Autumn is associated in Chinese medicine with sadness and the blues, so it is essential during this period to take care of your morale.

1st tip: lack of light plays an important role in seasonal depression. Exposing yourself to daylight at least once a day is essential to keep your spirits up. If the weather does not permit it, you can opt to use a light therapy lamp.

2nd tip: boost your morale with essential oils of lemon, sweet orange, grapefruit or bergamot. You can put a few drops of the one of your choice in your diffuser and diffuse for 15 to 30 minutes each day (advice: 1 drop for 2 square meters, example for a room of 16 square meters: 8 drops of essential oils).

3rd tip: practicing regular physical activity will allow emotions to escape, maintain good circulation in the body and relieve the mind.

Physical activity

Practicing regular physical activity is essential to staying healthy by maintaining a good immune system, a peaceful mind and better quality sleep.

1st tip: every morning do warm-ups from head to toe: make circles with your head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips… down to your feet. Then do full body stretches. This will allow you to maintain good mobility, avoid the feeling of rusting, warm your body when you wake up, and put all liquids into circulation.

2nd tip: park further from the entrance to the store or businesses when you are shopping. This will allow you to walk more.

3rd tip: walking outdoors 2 to 3 times a week for 30 to 40 minutes is a very good way to get your body moving while oxygenating it. If you can go for walks in the forest, it’s even better. As you will have understood, the solution to protecting yourself from the ills of autumn is to have a better lifestyle. By implementing the few tips I have shared with you on a daily basis, you will already have good weapons to face the season.

Jennifer Biddau – My Well-Being Life
Naturopath and Energetician, specialized in female disorders

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