Prevent a heart attack with a new app – healing practice

HerzFit app: New digital helper for heart health

The biological age of individual organs and the actual age of a person can sometimes differ greatly. This also applies to the heart. Now became one new app developed with the heart age can be determined. The digital helper for heart health can help prevent heart attack.

According to the German Heart Foundation more than 300,000 people in Germany suffer a heart attack every year. A new app helps to assess how high your own risk for this mostly dramatic event is.

prevent cardiovascular diseases

Blood pressure, heart rate, LDL cholesterol, long-term blood sugar and weight are important health parameters that provide early indications of cardiovascular disease and an increased risk of Heart attack and stroke can give.

“It is therefore all the more important to know these values, to document them and to control their course”, explains cardiologist Prof. Dr. medical Heribert Schunkert, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the German Heart Foundation, in a current issue Message.

In the new HerzFit app, which was developed by the Heart Foundation together with the DigiMed Bayern project from the German Heart Center Munich, Techniker Krankenkasse, the German Hypertension League and the Technical University of Munich, these health values ​​can be easily entered and some synchronized from other apps will.

The correct classification of the values ​​is also important. The independent experts at the Heart Foundation provide advice on this. An increased risk can thus be identified at an early stage and rapid countermeasures made possible.

“The aim of the HerzFit app is to support users in preventing cardiovascular diseases and to motivate them to stay healthy, active and informed”explains Schunkert, Medical Director of the German Heart Center Munich and significantly involved in the development of the app.

The focus is on tips for a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet and information on modern heart medicine.

Integrated risk calculator

In the new App a risk calculator is integrated with which the heart age can be determined. Heart age and the associated personal risk profile for cardiovascular diseases is calculated using a few questions to be answered.

“A bad result does not mean that you are helpless at the mercy of a heart attack or stroke, but it should be seen as an invitation to do something for your healthsays Schunkert.

“The HerzFit app gives specific instructions on how to reduce the risk and counteract heart disease as early as possible.”

Tips for a healthier lifestyle

According to the information, the app is divided into the areas “Measure”, “Improve” and “Learn”. Blood pressure values, heart rate and physical activity are recorded. There is also information, suggestions and specific tasks on how to integrate more exercise and heart-healthy nutrition into everyday life.

Strategies for coping with stress and quitting smoking are also listed. In order to increase the motivation for a healthy lifestyle, goals can be defined in the app and easily implemented with the help of a few practical tips.

“The app thus motivates people to lead a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet and the avoidance of psychosocial stress.”said the Heart Foundation Vice-Chairman Schunkert.

The Heart Foundation points out that the important issue of data protection is also taken into account in the HerzFit app. Users have to register in order to be able to create a personal profile in the app.

This data is also the starting point for other functions, such as determining heart age. But all data remains on the user’s cell phone and can be deleted and changed at any time without third-party insight. (ad)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the specifications of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • German Heart Foundation: HerzFit app determines heart age and helps prevent heart attacks, (accessed: April 30, 2022), German Heart Foundation
  • German Heart Foundation: Digital helpers for your heart health, (accessed: April 30, 2022), German Heart Foundation
  • German Heart Foundation: Heart attack risk test, (accessed: April 30, 2022), German Heart Foundation

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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