Prevent Pancreatic Cancer: Managing Diabetes and Pancreas Health

2023-06-16 03:59:14

Diabetes 2 years before diagnosis of pancreatic cancer… If food control is a problem, you should also look at your pancreas health

Eating enough dietary fiber (fiber) in vegetables-fruits, whole grains, legumes, and seaweed helps prevent pancreatic cancer. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Risk factors for pancreatic cancer include smoking, diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, and heredity, but bad eating habits can also be cited. It is analyzed that the fact that the number of new patients with pancreatic cancer is approaching 8,500 a year is also influenced by the fact that our diet has changed a lot to Western-style foods such as animal foods. Learn about eating habits that increase your risk of pancreatic cancer.

◆ Pancreatic cancer with a similar ratio of male and female patients… Changes in eating habits have a significant impact

Even 30 years ago, colonoscopy specialists were rare. This is because there were not many patients with colorectal cancer. Now there are more than gastric cancer patients. Changes in eating habits had the greatest impact. The same goes for pancreatic cancer. According to the National Cancer Registry, released in 2022, the male and female ratio is similar among the 8414 new pancreatic cancer patients (2020). Considering that women smoke relatively less than men, food-related factors are estimated to be a variable that cannot be ignored.

◆ Quit smoking and change eating habits… “Watch out for this eating pattern”

Cancer is preventable. According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) health information, bad food and lifestyle habits have a strong influence on the occurrence of cancer, so it is estimated that 30 to 50% can be prevented by changing these habits. The most important thing to reduce the risk of cancer is to quit smoking. Cigarette smoke from others should also be avoided. Unfiltered smoke contains more carcinogens.

It has been reported that certain eating patterns are related to the risk of pancreatic cancer. Processed meats (ham-sausages-bacon), excessive intake of carbohydrates, and Western-style foods (red meat such as beef and pork, refined grains, fried foods, high-fat dairy products, and sugars) increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. These foods are also closely related to the development of colorectal cancer. The cooking method of grilling directly over an open fire is also having an impact.

◆ Relationship between diabetes and pancreatic cancer… Diabetes and pancreatic cancer screening recommended due to food control failure

Diabetes is also a disease that is highly related to food. Avoid excessive calorie intake and move frequently. Diabetes often develops 2 years before diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. If you have diabetes due to failure in food control, it is good to take care of your pancreas health. Unexpectedly, cancer can be detected early. According to the National Cancer Information Center, people who have been suddenly diagnosed with diabetes, regardless of heredity, should be tested for pancreatic cancer. The prevalence of diabetes among pancreatic cancer patients in Korea is 28-30%, more than three times that of the general population (7-9%).

◆ What is good for preventing pancreatic cancer? . Eat less saturated fat and eat more fiber

1) Eating enough dietary fiber (fiber) in vegetables-fruits, whole grains, legumes, and seaweed helps prevent cancer. Although they are low in calories, they are rich in nutrients and phytochemicals with anticancer activity are also abundant in vegetables and fruits.

2) It is better to avoid foods high in saturated fat such as meat fat and eat lean meat or fish with low fat content. Fast food is high in energy density and can lead to obesity. Most Western foods and processed foods are high in sugar and fat, which causes weight gain.

3) Smoking cessation is essential and diabetes must be closely monitored. Chronic pancreatitis also increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, so cancer risk should be checked frequently. Because heredity (family history) also affects, if there is a pancreatic cancer patient in your immediate family, you should be careful, such as having regular checkups.

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