“Preventing Cognitive Aging: Tips for Remembering Appointments and Boosting Brain Function”

2023-04-28 08:19:48

If you often forget your appointments and are tired during the day

Sleepiness during the day not only means you haven’t gotten enough rest at night for your brain to need, but it can also lead to direct physical brain changes associated with aging. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

The rate at which your brain ages is different from your actual age. Depending on your health, lifestyle, and personality, you may be much younger or older than you feel. I’m going to take a look at the actions that my brain is getting old quickly.

1. Usually cynical

According to a Finnish study, older adults who are usually very cynical not only have a faster rate of cognitive decline, but also tend to die at a younger age. Negative stress can be the cause. For example, the stress hormone cortisol has a very bad effect on your brain and prevents you from thinking clearly. If you are a cynical person with a cynical way of looking at the world, try to be aware of situations or people that show that attitude, and actively try to change your mindset.

2. Distracted

Difficulty concentrating when excited or tense. If you find it very difficult or difficult to concentrate whenever you feel stressed, you may need counseling. According to USC researchers, being easily distracted is a sign of cognitive aging. It can appear as early as age 30 and can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. It has to do with arousal. For example, when suddenly faced with a shocking and stressful situation, the brain’s frontoparietal network responds sufficiently to signals from the auditory tract (the area under the canopy of the midbrain that influences behavioral control) that helps focus. may not

3. Often forgets appointments

It’s quite possible to forget a dinner date with a friend once. If you cheat on your friend multiple times, it could be a sign that something is wrong. If your friend tells you that your behavior has changed, you need to take it seriously. People with memory problems are often unaware that they have a problem. If a friend or family member has pointed out a few times about forgetting appointments, it may be an indication that your brain is aging quickly.

4. Tired during the day

Sleepiness during the day not only means you haven’t gotten enough rest at night for your brain to need, but it can also lead to direct physical brain changes associated with aging. Sleep is really important to protect your brain. Studies have shown that sleep apnea can actually make the hippocampus, a key brain area involved in learning and memory, smaller.

#Signs #Brain #Aging #Fast

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