Preventing Throat and Tongue Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and HPV Vaccination

2023-07-22 17:10:12

It is mostly men between the ages of 30 and 60 who develop throat or tongue cancer. There are some symptoms that indicate this, said Hans-Edmund Eckel, head of the ear, nose and throat department at the Klagenfurt Clinic: “The main symptoms are swelling in the neck, so you can feel or you can see a lump in the neck. If you look inside the mouth, you can sometimes see a change in the tonsil. These tumors do not cause pain for a long time. That’s why it’s not a warning symptom.”

ORF Hans-Edmund Eckel, Head of the Ear, Nose and Throat Department at the Klagenfurt Clinic

Check for changes in the mouth

The doctor advises that if you notice any changes in your mouth – a small ulcer, a thickening, a hardening – you should get it checked out by a doctor. It could be a harmless infection. However, it can also be determined in this way whether there might be a suspicion of such a tumour.

HP viruses can cause tumors

There are many reasons why cancers are increasing in this area. There are genetic components, but smoking and drinking too much are also risk factors. According to studies, snus (tobacco pouches that go into the mouth, NB), which is popular with young people, is also carcinogenic and will have an impact on the number of cancers in the mouth and throat area in the future.

However, most cases are caused by HPV – by human papilloma viruses – said Primarius Eckl: “These are the same viruses that cause warts on the skin, for example. There are more than 200 subgroups of these papillomaviruses. Some of them only affect the skin, some only affect mucous membranes – for example the mouth. Some of them cause benign tumors and unfortunately some cause malignant ones.”

Vaccination recommended for children

The HPV vaccination is one of the most important precautionary measures in the fight against cancer, said Hansjörg Neumann, President of the Carinthian Cancer Aid. The vaccine has been around for 15 years. It is free for children and young people up to the age of 21: “It is important that children and young people are vaccinated because it is a disease that can be transmitted through contact and sexual contact. The vaccination protection should therefore be there before the first transmission. When the infection is there, it becomes more difficult,” says Neumann. It is important to vaccinate early to reduce the risk.

ORF HPV vaccination

Studies from Australia, where the HPV vaccine has been available for years, show that cases of cervical, anal, tongue and throat cancer have fallen.

#Tongue #cancer #increasing

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