Price, speed, capacity… Which ice cream maker to choose to pimp up your summer?

Who says return of sunny days and heat, also says return of frozen pleasures. Why not try your hand at making homemade ice cream ?

Follow our buying guide to find out which ice cream maker to choose.

What is an ice cream maker?

A ice cream maker allows you to freeze your preparationssweet or savory for the more adventurous, using a ice bin or refrigeration system depending on the models. All you have to do is put your mixture in the dedicated tray and wait until the texture is optimal.

The advantage of using an ice cream maker is that you control the composition of your frozen dessert, unlike the industrial preparations found on the market. Basics like vanilla and strawberry can be enhanced with chocolate coulis or pieces of cookies for even more indulgence. You just have to let your imagination run wild.

How to choose the right ice cream maker?

It exists two types of ice cream makers quite different: cold storage ice cream makers and the autonomous ice cream makers or “ice cream makers”. The choice will be made according to your needs. Will you be using it often? Make large quantities? Are the speed and spontaneity of the preparation decisive criteria for you?

But the choice of your ice cream maker will also and above all be made according to your budget. Indeed, prices can vary from simple to triple, or even more depending on the model. We explain to you.

In terms of capacity, the devices range from 0.5L, to 1L, 1.5 up to 3L for larger models. Note that one liter is the ideal quantity to serve up to 4 people.

The best models of ice cream makers according to your needs

Cold storage ice cream maker: occasional use and small budget

The cold accumulation ice cream maker is the preferred option if your preparation of ice creams and sorbets remains occasionalas well as in relatively small quantities. As the name suggests, this ice cream maker keeps it cold, but doesn’t make it.

You must place the tray in the freezer for ten hours (therefore pay attention to the dimensions) before integrating your preparation and let the appliance cool it using a blade which will make its consistency perfect. It requires a some anticipation. You can’t decide at the last minute with cold storage ice cream makers.

However, these models are very affordable and easy to use. Most appliances have options such as an audible end of preparation warning or automatic shut-off, which is very practical when you can’t stay close.

Ice cream maker: large quantity and speed

Notice to unconditional fans of ice creams, ice creams and other sorbets: the ice cream maker is made for you. It allows you to make ice cream whenever you want, in a simple and fast way by producing cold at any time. With capacities up to 3L, you can treat all your family and friends.

Once again, you must pour your preparation into the area provided for this purpose and wait for the magic to work. Also equipped with a blade, the cold is evenly distributed and your ice cream is ready to enjoy in less than an hour. Some models have several bins allowing you to prepare several flavors of ice cream at the same time.

The only downside? His price. It is similar to the machines used by professionals. This technology has a relatively high cost. Don’t expect to find quality products for less than €150. Some models can go up to more than 600 €

Thanks to our purchase guideyou now have all the cards in hand to choose the ice cream maker that will serve you all this spring and summer ! If you want to make large batches on a whim, opt for the ice cream maker. If ice creams and sorbets remain occasional pleasures, an ice cream maker with cold accumulation will be ideal.

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Galerie: En finir avec le gaspillage alimentaire (StarsInsider)


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