Products most consumed at Christmas soared in price just a few days into the celebration – news

Seven of the main products most consumed during the Christmas party, 16 days before the celebration of this event, registered significant increases in the main informal and formal markets, in the municipality of Cacuaco, found the public agency ANGOP.

In a round of supermarkets and informal markets, there was a variation in the values ​​of products, with sellers and resellers justifying themselves that “the festive time is for invoicing”.

Compared to last week, Cacuaco highlighted, in the informal market, the dizzying rise in the price of reindeer potatoes, going from the previous two thousand kwanzas, the kilogram (kg), to three thousand, beans fixed at kz 1700 against 1300 of seven days ago.

Another widely consumed product during this Christmas period is sugar, now purchased per kg for between 1700 and 1900 kwanzas, whereas a few days ago it was possible to buy it for 1500 kwanzas, at a time when in stores the bag (44kg) is sold at 66 thousand kwanzas.

The egg card no longer costs 2950 kwanzas and is now, with a tendency to increase, at kz 3800, while wheat flour has increased by 500 kwanzas (from kz 1000 to 1500).

Still during the research through the main informal and formal markets in the municipality of Cacuaco, north of the city of Luanda, the circulation of national cod fish was notable, whose kg cost, at least until Thursday, 4500 kwanzas, while vegetable oil is purchased at kz 2300 compared to the previous 1800 kwanzas.

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