Promising results for RNA cancer vaccines

An RNA cancer vaccine? The results are in any case very encouraging. A team of American researchers used these bubbles of lipids, which deliver the vaccine to the lymphatic system.

Destroy tumors and their metastases

RNA vaccines came to light when they proved effective against Covid-19. Many projects around the world have been developed to establish an injection that could destroy tumors and their metastases. If the results are not satisfactory for the moment, clinical trials have been launched.

But it’s always the same problem that occurs. A large part of the injected RNA arrives in the liver, an organ not conducive to an immune response. In addition, it can cause inflammation of the liver. Instead, antigens should be sent to the lymphatic system where lymphocytes (white blood cells) and T cells are concentrated to learn and fight off an outside infection.

Produce antibodies

But a team from the Tufts School of Engineering has managed to develop a vaccine with very relatively good results. These vaccines reproduce a small portion of messenger RNA, the genetic code for cancer antigens. This portion would then produce antibodies in the organism of the vaccinated patient. The latter shows the body how to manufacture harmless targets for the heart, which the white blood cells will practice destroying, before attacking the real tumour.

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