Promoting Mental Health and Well-being in Schools: A Collaborative Initiative for Guidance Teachers

2023-09-07 20:19:14

This initiative brought together guidance teachers committed to the comprehensive development of students and the promotion of healthy school environments.

In a joint effort to promote mental health, school coexistence and the well-being of the educational community, the mayor Diego Ramos through the secretariats of Health and Social Security, Education and the Third Family Police Station, have participated in the monthly meetings with the guidance teachers of the Municipality, with the purpose of promoting their professional and personal development, as well as building a solid network of collaboration.

“The proposal that we have promoted from the Ministry of Health is centered on the concept of ‘The Movement’ as a metaphor for the recognition and management of our negative emotions. Through this experience, the counseling teachers explored how they can recognize, manage and release these emotions, which not only promotes their personal well-being, but also their ability to support and guide our students in their own healing processes.” explained the head of the municipal health office, Bibiana Romero Olarte.

So far this month, the seventh meeting called ‘Growing Together’ was held, which aimed to explore and strengthen the essence of being, promoting self-awareness, self-assessment and personal growth as essential tools in guidance teachers. to help students, parents and the educational community.

Meanwhile, the Third Family Police Station provided school counselors with essential tools to address complex family situations, thus reinforcing their role as route activators.

“I want to thank infinitely for the activity we had in what I call support for support. We know that we handle important emotional burdens, that our work is not easy, that from all those tools that the professionals of the Secretariat gave us, from the psychology part, they gave us a chance to process our emotions and to realize that we are also important for the Municipal Administration, we hope that these activities will be repeated” stated the guidance teacher of the educational institution Cristo Rey, Juan Carlos Galvis.

The municipal Health and Social Security Secretariat thanks all the participants in this meeting for their dedication to this cause, and reports that it will continue working as a team to create a healthier educational environment and thus guarantee support for students, parents, caregivers and educational community.

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