Prosecutor’s Office promises Medicine interns, communication channel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – LasNoticiasYa!

Zacatecas, Zac.- In order to reduce the risk that intern doctors in social service have of being victims of crimes, with the teaching of a methodology so that they know what their most vulnerable points are, what signs precede a criminal act and how to act against them, as well as what changes they can make and what routines to incorporate into their daily lives to increase their levels of security, this weekend the Course on Crime Prevention Strategies was held with the participation of the Attorney General’s Office of State Justice.

In this course, aimed at students of the Human Medicine career, from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas and Autonomous University of Durango, Zacatecas Campus, the Attorney General of Justice, Francisco José Murillo Ruiseco; the Secretary of Public Security, General Adolfo Marín Marín; the Secretary of Health of the State Government, Uswaldo Pinedo Barrios; the Secretary General of the UAZ, Ángel Román Gutiérrez; the Executive Secretary of the State Peacebuilding Board, Osvaldo Cerrillo Garza, and the director of the UAD School of Medicine, Zacatecas Campus, Fabián Fernández Cruz.

During his message to the students, Murillo Ruiseco highlighted that at the State Peacebuilding Board we work every day and develop strategies that have to do with actions to protect the integrity of intern doctors, in coordination with the Ministry of Health, the Autonomous University of Zacatecas and the Autonomous University of Durango, Campus Zacatecas.

He told the Human Medicine students that in the event of any incident that may arise, there is a direct communication channel with the State Peacebuilding Table, where we are all co-responsible for State security.

We are attentive and pending in all regions of the state, in the communities, Health Centers and Clinics where you are providing your services.

In addition, in the State Peacebuilding Table, in which the Ministry of Public Security, National Defense, the National Guard, the State Delegation of the Attorney General’s Office participate, we work hand in hand with the rector of the UAZ and with the rector of the UAD, Zacatecas campus, to review the events that occur, to be able to alert in a preventive manner and to attend to any incident that may arise.

For their part, the prosecutor specialized in Human Rights, Martha Berenice Vázquez González, and the prosecutor specialized in Combating Kidnapping, Juan Carlos Valdivia Meraz, guided the students regarding Crime Prevention strategies.

They were explained about the extortion modalities, and how to act in cases that arise during the development of their professional activity. Similarly, they established a communication channel, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to deal with any incident that may arise.


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