Prostate cancer linked to five bacteria, study finds | Antibiotics | NTDTV Online

[NTD, Beijing, April 25, 2022]Scientists have discovered that urine and prostate tissue contain severalbacteriapossibly invasiveprostate cancerrelated. The researchers say this is a groundbreaking discovery.

After examining urine and prostate tissue samples from more than 600 men, researchers at the University of East Anglia in the UK found that fivebacteriaMay be withprostate cancerof rapid deterioration. Some of these men have prostate cancer and some are not.

According to The Guardian, the study has yet to prove that these bacteria cause or contribute to the progression of prostate cancer.Once this is confirmed in the future, the researchers said that men can be screened for these bacteria, as one of the important indicators of risk assessment, and can also be developed.AntibioticsIntervention will save many lives.

Hayley Luxton from Prostate Cancer UK, one of the funders of the study, said: “This is an exciting discovery that has the potential to revolutionise the treatment of men. potential of the program.”

The study, published April 18 in the journal European Urology Oncology, said five species of bacteria were identified through a genetic survey, three of which were newly discovered.

Men whose urine or prostate tissue contained one or more of these bacteria were 2.6 times more likely to have prostate cancer from early stage to advanced stage, the study said.

It is also possible that these bacteria are not associated with worsening cancer, said Colin Cooper, professor of cancer genetics at the University of East Anglia, who led the study. For example, it’s possible that men with advanced prostate cancer have a weakened immune system, causing these bacteria to multiply. However, they preferred the idea that these bacteria were associated with cancer progression, just as H. pylori infection was previously found to increase the risk of stomach cancer.

“One possible prospect is that if you identify a certain type of bacteria that makes prostate cancer worse, you could develop aAntibioticsGet rid of it and stop the cancer from getting worse. “Of course, Cooper said it wouldn’t be that simple. “There are a lot of complicating factors. It’s hard for antibiotics to get to the prostate, and you have to find antibiotics that kill specific bacteria.”

Although prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, many prostate cancer patients do not die of the disease. About 12,000 people die in the UK every year from the more aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

Rosalind Eeles, a cancer geneticist at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, told the Guardian it was an intriguing finding. “But we don’t know if they are the causative factor, and if we can confirm that, we have a way to prevent the disease.”

(Transfer from The Epoch Times/Editor-in-charge: Ye Ping)

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