“Protect Yourself from Hay Fever: Tips from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor”

2023-04-17 10:45:00

Eye and nose contact with wind-borne pollen can cause allergic reactions; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Many people take advantage of the warming spring and summer and go out to enjoy the flowers and outings, but when they arrive at the scene, they start to develop allergies. Wang Dayuan, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, reminded that this may be caused by “hay fever”! Exposure to pollen will cause allergic symptoms. Remember to wear a mask and sunglasses to protect your nose and mouth when you go out. Change clothes after viewing flowers, and increase the ambient humidity. Don’t let pollen go home with you! In case of allergies, Chinese medicine and Anmo acupoints may be considered to relieve discomfort.

Wang Dayuan posted on his Facebook page “Wang Dayuan, Physician of Yuanqi Traditional Chinese MedicineThe article pointed out that hay fever is an allergic disease. Although it is similar to a cold, it is not a viral infection. The main cause is that the eyes and nose come into contact with wind-borne pollen, hay, or spores. Common symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and shortness of breath. Difficulty, itchy ears, itchy eyes, bloodshot eyes, or itchy skin.

“Hay fever cannot be cured at present!” Wang Dayuan suggested, wear masks and wrap-around sunglasses when going out to reduce the frontal contact between pollen and eyes and nose; change clothes after returning home, and control the indoor humidity at 55-65% (summer humidity) , because pollen is easily suspended in the air in an overly dry environment, and then inhaled into the nasal cavity to cause allergies, which is why hay fever is a national disease in dry Japan; in addition, do not “follow flowers and grass” and reduce smoking , so as not to aggravate the condition.

Wang Dayuan pointed out that traditional Chinese medicine can also effectively reduce the immune globulin IgE in the blood and slow down the allergic reaction, such as Pueraria decoction, Xinyi powder, Xiaoqinglong decoction, Xiangsha Liujunzi and other prescriptions, which can relieve the wind and relieve the surface, clear the lungs and resuscitate; acupuncture points On the other hand, you can massage Fengchi, Feishu, Yintang, Quchi, Hegu and Tongtian points, which can unblock the nasal passages and quickly relieve symptoms of discomfort.

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