Protecting Against Thrombosis: Understanding the Silent Danger of Blood Clots

2024-01-12 20:24:58

Did you know? 1 in 4 people worldwide die from thromboembolism. Silent danger that everyone must be careful of!

Thrombosis It is a condition that affects daily life. Due to pain and swelling, there is an increasing number of patients with thromboembolism worldwide, with 1 in 4 people worldwide dying from thromboembolism. In some cases, there may be no warning signs in advance. This condition of blood clots is considered a silent health threat that we need to get to know and pay attention to.

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What is thrombosis?

Thrombosis It is one of the risk factors that cause cardiovascular disease. Whether it is heart failure, heart attack, or stroke. and venous thromboembolism by thrombosis It is a condition in which the blood has clotted within the blood vessels. This causes obstruction of the blood flow that nourishes the organs. abnormal blood flow Until causing blood clots and may be dangerous to the point of death.

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What causes blood clots?

Causes of thrombosis Divided into 3 main reasons:

  • Abnormal blood vessel walls, such as those caused by knife cuts. or undergoing some type of surgical treatment causing damage to the blood vessel walls Including in the blood vessel walls There is a grease stain.
  • abnormal blood flow When blood flow is abnormal, it can easily cause sediment to form. Red and white blood cells may form clogged clumps.
  • abnormal blood clotting Caused by deficient substances that prevent blood clotting, such as the body lacking a protein that inhibits blood clotting. Therefore causing blood clots easily.

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Watch for symptoms of blood clots.

Symptoms of thrombosis Symptoms will vary depending on where they occur. The most commonly found locations include:

  • Blood clots in the legs Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

The legs are places where blood flows slowly. Most often, blood clots are found in the veins. Patients will have enlarged legs, swelling, tenderness, or pain and swelling when walking. When blood clots occur There will be pain and swelling in 2-3 days.

Blood clots in the legs If you leave it Not receiving treatment within 3 months will cause a risk of blood clots in the lungs and death.

  • Blood clots in the lungs (Pulmonary Embolism)

It is a serious risk condition that can lead to death. Patients will have symptoms of being easily tired and short of breath. The level of fatigue may be different for each patient. This depends on the severity of the symptoms. or the amount of blood clots that are blocked You may become more and more tired. or being tired during various activities, etc. In addition, experiencing sudden chest tightness. hypotension And may also have chest pain. If acute pulmonary embolism occurs

  • Blood clots in the brain

Cerebral thrombosis May cause the risk of paralysis. Or may die from cerebral ischemia. If not treated immediately or treated slowly Patients often experience headaches, dizziness, and increasingly severe pain. Weakness on one side, numbness on one side, slurred speech, distorted face, crooked mouth, nausea and vomiting. and may have seizures

Risk factors for thrombosis

  • Rarely move the body, such as having undergone surgery and having to lie still for a long time. Staying in the hospital for a long time
  • Elderly people, especially those with chronic diseases Blood vessel walls will deteriorate more than in younger people.
  • genetic inheritance
  • Various cancers such as pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and blood cancer
  • Have a congenital disease High blood pressure or high cholesterol Chronic inflammatory disease
  • Taking certain medications, such as birth control
  • Pregnancy: It has been found that every 1 in 1,000 women who are pregnant will develop a blood clot.
  • infected with COVID-19
  • smoking

Dangerous signs that should be noted and cautioned include leg pain and tenderness, swelling and redness, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, chest pain, and coughing up blood.


How can it be diagnosed?

Diagnosis of thrombosis It will depend on where the doctor suspects the blood clot may be. It can diagnose deep vein thrombosis using D-Dimer, CT scan, and MRI.

Prevents blood clots. By avoiding risk factors By taking care of your own health Keep away from identity Always move your body, exercise, and don’t stay in the same position for a long time. You should change your posture frequently. Stretch for about 5 minutes. Drink enough clean water. Refrain from drinking alcohol, refrain from smoking, and control your body weight to be within standard limits. and should undergo an annual health examination Including checking for abnormalities of the heart.

Thrombosis after vaccination

Currently, many of you may be worried about the side effects of thrombosis after the COVID-19 vaccine or VITT (Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia). It is a condition of low platelets that stimulates blood clots. From immunity after receiving the vaccine This is a condition that can occur after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Types that rely on viruses as carriers or Viral Vector Vaccine. Such side effects are very rare, found at a rate of 3.6: 1 million people, and symptoms usually occur about 4-30 days after vaccination. You should observe the symptoms.

  • Severe and continuous headache
  • There are specific neurological symptoms such as blurred vision, double vision.
  • Shortness of breath, chest pain, tired easily
  • Abnormal bleeding, such as blood clots on the body There are blisters with internal bleeding.
  • Arms and legs are swollen, red, or pale and cold.
  • severe stomach pain continuous nausea and vomiting and may have bloody diarrhea
  • Crooked face, crooked mouth, unable to speak clearly
  • New symptoms appear after vaccination

For those who have received the vaccine If any of these symptoms occur 4-30 days after vaccination or if there are abnormal symptoms that do not disappear for more than 3 days after vaccination, you should immediately consult a doctor. for diagnosis This is because the condition can be cured if it is diagnosed quickly.

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