Protects against dementia and lowers cholesterol.. Learn about the benefits of grapes

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It is known that grapes are rich in chemicals, which promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, and reduce the proportion of cholesterol.

Grapes also contain antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of many diseases and cancers.

The researchers discovered that the antioxidants present in grapesProtects the brain from injury dementia By improving the function of neurons.

Another study found that eating grapes can also reduce the risk of infection fatty liver diseaseaccording to the newspaper "The Sun" British.

Fatty liver disease is a common condition caused by the storage of excess fat in the body liverIt is a growing problem worldwide, due to unhealthy eating habits.

Although it is rarely fatal, if not treated it can lead to liver failure or liver cancer.

The third study discovered that grapes can speed up burning Calories By helping to increase metabolism.

It was conducted by researchers from the University of "Western New England" All studies were on rats, some of which were fedFat-rich regimes Usually consumed in Western countries, while giving only half of the mice grapes.

The researchers then compared the health of the brain, liver, andMetabolism For rats that were given grape supplement along with those that were fed a high-fat diet.

Dr. John Pezzoto, co-author of the study, said in a statement: “Grapes add a whole new dimension to the old saying.”" You are what you eat ".

Bizuto explained: "If you change the level gene expression Antioxidant, as we have noted with the addition of grapes to the diet, the result is a stimulatory response that can make a real difference".


It is known that grapes are rich in chemicals, which promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, and reduce the proportion of cholesterol.

Grapes also contain antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of many diseases and cancers.

The researchers discovered that the antioxidants present in grapesProtects the brain from injury dementia By improving the function of neurons.

Another study found that eating grapes can also reduce the risk of infection fatty liver diseaseThe British newspaper, The Sun, reported.

Fatty liver disease is a common condition caused by the storage of excess fat in the body liverIt is a growing problem worldwide, due to unhealthy eating habits.

Although it is rarely fatal, if not treated it can lead to liver failure or liver cancer.

The third study discovered that grapes can speed up burning Calories By helping to increase metabolism.

And researchers from the University of “Western New England” conducted all studies on mice, some of which were fed withFat-rich regimes Usually consumed in Western countries, while giving only half of the mice grapes.

The researchers then compared the health of the brain, liver, andMetabolism For rats that were given grape supplement along with those that were fed a high-fat diet.

Dr. John Bisotto, co-author of the study, said in a statement: “Grapes have added a whole new dimension to the old saying ‘you are what you eat’.”

Bizuto explained: “If you change the level gene expression As we have observed with the addition of grapes to the diet, the result is a stimulatory response that can make a real difference.”

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