Pulp with diuretic and draining effect – healing practice

Health Benefits of Pumpkin

have in the fall pumpkins high season. The berries not only taste delicious, but are also extremely healthy. On the one hand, they are low in calories, on the other hand, they are valuable nutrient contain. That pulp can have a diuretic and draining effect, among other things.

Of the pumpkin is often thought of as a vegetable, but it’s actually a fruit and a savory food that’s packed full health benefits plugged.

More than 850 varieties

As in one contribution explained on the Bavarian consumer portal operated by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, the pumpkin is not a vegetable, but a berry.

There are over 850 varieties, divided into ornamental, oil and edible squashes. The latter are used in the kitchen, oil pumpkins are used to obtain pumpkin seed oil and ornamental pumpkins, which are not suitable for consumption due to the bitter substance cucurbitacin, are used for decoration, explains the Baden-Württemberg State Center for Nutrition at its website.

Bitter-tasting pumpkins (and also zucchini) should not be eaten, regardless of whether they are raw or cooked, according to Austria’s public health portal “Gesundheit.gv.at“.

Because the bitter substances can cause strong stomach and intestinal upsets with causing vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, taste a small, raw piece of pumpkin (or zucchini) before preparing it and test it for the bitter taste. A neutral or sweet taste is harmless.

Rich in important nutrients

With an average of 25 kcal/100 grams, the pumpkin is a low-calorie “vegetable”. The pulp is rich in Potassium and low in sodium and therefore has a slightly draining and diuretic effect.

The color of the pumpkins already indicates a high level Carotene content Depending on the variety, this can contain up to 12 times the amount of a carrot. It is therefore also well suited for small children’s complementary meals.

In addition, the pumpkin provides smaller amounts of B vitamins, vitamins C and E as well as the minerals Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Iron, Zinc and Selenium. Copper, iron and magnesium in an ideal composition. In general, winter squash is richer in vitamins than summer squash.

Due to their good digestibility and tolerability, pumpkins can be used well in the Schonkost be used.

Healthy Pumpkin Seeds

Also pumpkin seeds can come up with a lot of valuable protein, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Of the secondary plant substances they contain, among other things, phytosterols (plant hormones), which are effective against urinary and prostate disorders and also the lower cholesterol levels be able.

Selenium with its antioxidant effects as cell protection and plenty of vitamin E do the rest for your health. Seeds and products made from them are used medicinally as a herbal medicine to treat irritable bladder and urinary problems.

Like all nuts and seeds, pumpkin seeds are also valuable because of their high fat content extremely nutritious, 100 grams of pumpkin seeds contain about 520 kcal and more than 45 g of fat.

An all-round talent in the kitchen

Depending on the variety, the whole pumpkin can usually be eaten. However, the handle is an exception. The Hokkaido pumpkin is known for not having to be peeled. Besides, the Peel of butternut and nutmeg squash edible.

Hardly any other fruit vegetable can be prepared in as many different ways as pumpkins, writes the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE).

The pumpkin soup is the classic, which can be prepared from many varieties and in even more variations, but there are many more delicious ones Pumpkin Recipes.

Whether grilling, roasting, steaming, gratinating, cooking, pickling or pureeing, there are numerous possibilitiesto process the pumpkin.

Fresh herbs and various Spices such as mint, lemon balm, thyme, basil, borage, coriander, lovage, rosemary and ginger give pumpkin dishes an interesting aroma.

The fruits can also be processed into jam, pudding, compote or cake. Such sweet ones preparations can be combined well with honey, cinnamon, fruit juices, pineapple, apples or oranges.

The pumpkin seeds can be dried and raw or roasted for Nibble are used, they enhance salads and mueslis and refine pumpkin soups.

Lasts for months

With correct storage pumpkins can be kept for months. Ideally, they should be stored in a cool, dry place in a well-ventilated area. Undamaged squashes that were temporarily used for decoration can usually be processed further in the kitchen.

When shopping, a fresh pumpkin can be recognized, among other things, by the fact that no pressure points are present and it sounds hollow when tapped. It is also important that the stalk is still attached, otherwise the squash will spoil quickly.

Smaller specimens have a firmer pulp, more taste and fewer fibers. (ad)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the specifications of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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