Putin sees through the Biden administration, a fierce threat is also an empty gun “What is the fight for?” Americans also express disapproval of US Ukrainian policy (1/4) | JBpress

“What is the fight for?” Americans also disagree with US Ukrainian policy

President Biden had a telephone conversation with President Putin (courtesy: The White House / Archyde.com / Afro)

On February 11, CBS, one of the three major US networks, announced the results of a poll conducted over the past three days. Looking at the results, 53% of the respondents said that they should stay out of the problems of Russia and Ukraine, which was 10 points higher than 43% of “Support Ukraine”. The liberal media CBS describes it as “a little more “, but it is true that in the opinion of the Americans, the majority of the people surveyed say “keep away from the Ukrainian problem.” ..

Between Russia and Ukraine, Americans say either stay out or side with Ukraine – CBS News poll(https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-russia-u-s-involvement-opinion-poll-02-2022/)

In the same survey, 60% of the Biden administration’s diplomacy with Russia was “disapprove,” which was just one point higher than 59% of diplomacy with China. This poll can be analyzed by gender and by ideology (liberal or conservative, etc.), but in general, it seems certain that it has not received strong support from the American people.

The top reasons for supporters of support for Ukraine are (1) regional stability (in Eastern Europe) and (2) protection of democracy, but seriously consider that the American people will shed blood for that purpose. How many Americans are there? Actually, it feels like I chose it because there was a choice there.

By the way, compared to my manuscript one month ago, “The Approval Rating of the Biden Administration Reaching Dangerous Waters and Why Hillary’s Long-awaited Theory: https://jbpress.ismedia.jp/articles/-/68463”, President Biden himself Approval rating spread (difference between support and disapproval) has regained a lull below 20 points. However, looking at the time-series graph, the worsening trend has not stopped.

President Biden Job Approval(https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president-biden-job-approval-7320.html)

The polls show that the Americans are, at their will, limiting Biden’s actions in the situation against Ukraine. Putin, on the other hand, has begun to act in anticipation of American public opinion. Let’s take a concrete look at what kind of changes are occurring.

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