Radar entice saboteur “Fleximan” apparently caught | Nachrichten.at

The Carabinieri of the northern Italian metropolis of Rovigo have reported a 42-year-old metallic employee. He’s suspected of getting sabotaged a minimum of 5 of eight velocity cameras that had been broken within the province of Rovigo in 2023.

Instruments that the person, who comes from the province of Padua, is believed to have used to hold out the destruction had been confiscated from his home. The metalworker was recognized by analyzing video surveillance cameras. He had sawed off the assist mast of the radar traps with a reducing disc. The media subsequently dubbed the saboteur “Fleximan.” He faces as much as three years in jail and a superb of 5,000 euros for vandalism and harm.

A number of velocity traps illegally “deactivated”

In current months, a number of velocity cameras in northern Italy have been illegally “deactivated”. A cult has developed across the unknown man. He was celebrated on social media because the “Robin Hood of drivers”. A complete of 24 units have now been destroyed – together with in Lombardy and Trentino. Greater than half a dozen public prosecutors are coping with the circumstances. It’s nonetheless unclear whether or not this was the act of a person or an organized group.

The acts of sabotage have sparked a debate concerning the variety of velocity cameras put in. Italy is the nation with essentially the most velocity cameras in Europe: there are 11,130 units nationwide. Shopper safety associations complain that municipalities are putting in the velocity cameras so as to fill their empty coffers with the fines. Lately there have been repeated protests in opposition to the velocity cameras.


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