The state of Higher Austria nonetheless has 1.2 billion euros in debt

An enormous deficit of 90 million euros had initially been forecast for the 2023 monetary statements of the state of Higher Austria. In the end, there was even a surplus of 84 million euros, as Governor Thomas Stelzer (VP) and his deputy, State Councilor Manfred Haimbuchner (FP) introduced on Friday.

Extra on the topic: Funds 2024: Nation plans new money owed of 197 million euros

That is due, on the one hand, to extra earnings of round 95.4 million euros within the income shares. This is because of excessive inflation. However, budgeted funds that had already been earmarked for tasks however had not but been referred to as up by the respective departments have been carried over to 2024. Nonetheless, the nation’s mountain of debt stays as excessive as ever, amounting to precisely 1,191,180,000 euros – with internet property of round 3.6 billion euros.

SP: “No purpose to rejoice”

“Inflation, financial downturn and world disaster areas – the 12 months 2023 was additionally marked by monumental challenges. Particularly in troublesome occasions, individuals should have the ability to depend on politicians to take the correct measures to offer aid,” say Stelzer and Haimbuchner, feeling vindicated of their authorities work.
In view of the weak financial development forecast for 2024, the Higher Austria plan can be constantly continued as a particular financial stimulus bundle. As well as, the Future Fund will make investments 200 million euros to strengthen the enterprise location, and, as reported, a 50 million euro help bundle has been put collectively for the municipalities.

For SP membership chairwoman Sabine Engleitner-Neu, the monetary statements aren’t any purpose to rejoice, as they present that the criticism of the dishonest price range for 2023 was justified. Extra measures to fight inflation and poverty and to alleviate the burden on municipalities would have been potential: “We didn’t approve the price range for good causes.” Now the individuals of Higher Austria are being introduced with the invoice on daily basis for the dearth of braveness and inaction of the ÖVP and FPÖ.

The 2023 monetary statements are presently additionally being examined by the State Audit Workplace, which is conducting an audit.


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