Rafi’ Al-Omari Speaks Out Against Bin Salman’s Followers: The Truth About Defending Saudi Positions

2023-11-08 03:49:16

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Activists circulated on social media a video clip of the Saudi journalist, Rafi’ Al-Omari, and what he said in a video clip about “bin Salman’s followers” ​​amid widespread interaction.

Al-Omari said in the circulating video clip: “This is a private video and has no specific topic, and they considered it a personal scandal… For many years we have been subjected to attack and skepticism towards everyone who defends his country and society, to the point that some of us began to believe that defending Saudi positions is only the government’s job, and this belief changed with time.” The vast majority of Saudis became defenders with all their effort and strength, each in his field.

He continued, saying: “However, some Arabic speakers I notice in the responses say, ‘You are a security man, you are a government employee, you are a follower of Bin Salman,’ and this is because of their nature. They are revolutionaries against their governments, because of the culture of revolution against the coloniser, and because of their ignorance of our nature and the nature of our state that was never colonized, and because of their ignorance about the nature of our relationship.” “By our rulers, who are among us and among us, they do not know that every Saudi is a security man, a government employee, and a follower of Ibn Salman, with pride and honour.”

For his part, the Saudi Prince, Abdul Rahman bin Musaed, cited the video clip, saying in a post on his page on the And lower the heads of his haters..

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