Raquel Argandoña defends herself against Douglas’ criticism and points to Ana Sol Romero

Written in TRENDS the 19/5/2022 · 08:53 hs

The controversy between Rachel Argandon and the famous of Miami does not stop and it is that yesterday Douglas He made strong statements about La Raca after commenting in Zona de Estrellas that Luis Jara would not have been accepted in the group of Chileans and that some of them would not have money to go out to eat at expensive restaurants.

“What the hell, it doesn’t make any sense. Nothing further from reality. I can’t believe they keep giving him a platform. I was with Lucho at his birthday last year, I always talk to him. See you within what is possible, ”explained the singer in an interview with Meter.

Regarding Quintrala’s comments, he noted: “The only thing this lady has is to invent, because she is not even here. No one who lives here in Miami doesn’t have enough to go out to eat, that’s impossible. It’s a tiny thing, going out to eat somewhere. Now, you may or may not like going out to eat, I prefer to make a barbecue at home, ”she explained. Adding that “I thought that show business was over, because it is installing truths through lies and cahuines. One of the things about being here is to be away from that. What a bore”.

Obviously upon hearing these comments, Raquel Argandoña did not hesitate to respond true to her style: “Everyone said that Luchito Jara was not accepted in the group.”

In addition, he clarified that “we said that there was one in that group who did not have the money to go to expensive restaurants like the others, we did not say the name, and he jumped into the water alone. I never said the nameQuintrala affirmed.

Raquel Argandoña launches against Ana Sol Romero

But that was not all, as he then pointed to Ana Sol Romero, wife of Douglas and launched an alleged theory of why the singer would have a bad wave. “Douglas is pissed at me. He has always been angry with me because I, since I was in Good Morning Everyone, said that his wife believed herself to be Cecilia Bolocco and it is true, “she indicated.

“Her reference is Cecilia. Cecilia Bolocco is believed. It seems to me that I said that and she disliked her, but still”detailed Argandoña.

“I said expensive restaurants, not going out to eat and I had never said it was the Douglas”, closed the conversation in Star Zone.

What do you think of his sayings? He comments on @DUPLOS.CL

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