Real holidays for students at Christmas and in summer: this is what the future calendar of higher education could look like

For the rector of UCLouvain, it is necessary to get out of the indigestible chain of long periods of classes, followed by blockades and sessions, and to favor a continuous evaluation of students. But how could this translate in practice?

“The start of the school year could take place a little earlier in the year, a bit like for compulsory, continues Vincent Blondel. Examinations could take place before the Christmas period, so that this period is a real holiday. And then, in the second part of the academic year, one can imagine that the two sessions take place before the holidays, so that the summer too is fully a holiday. We would have a more progressive year, with courses and assessments, to avoid this very strong jerk that is inscribed in the current calendar. The model I describe is used very widely internationally.”

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