Recognize signs and warning signals early

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Created: 08/29/2022, 3:45 p.m

Von: Caroline Gehrmann


In many cases, cancer has very good chances of being cured. The most important thing is to get the diagnosis as early as possible. It is therefore all the more important to know the first warning signs and symptoms.

Bremen – How do you feel about the topic of cancer? Do you belong more to the “It’ll be nothing” team or to the “It’s definitely cancer!” team? Good news for all of you, and also for those who find themselves somewhere in the middle between carelessness and exaggerated fear: according to the German Cancer Society (DKG) diseases with certain types of cancer can be cured in nine out of ten cases – the most important prerequisite for this, however, is that the insidious disease is recognized as early as possible.

Recognizing the first warning signs of cancer is the most important prerequisite for healing

One more reason to deal with the topic of cancer and to know the warning signs, even if very few people like to do so. Because: The knowledge about early signs of cancer can save liveseven if early-stage cancer often causes little or no symptoms.

When cells in the body degenerate malignantly, the body often sends out the first warning signs right from the start. You should know these so that they are not ignored in an emergency. But it is just as important not to misinterpret symptoms so that you don’t panic right away. Because: Many complaints are loud DKG due to other diseases – which, however, usually also have to be treated medically. Going to the doctor is always recommended if you notice symptoms.

You should be aware of the first symptoms that indicate cancer, such as skin changes and fatigue

The fact is: there are countless types of cancer, each of which causes different symptoms and also varies in terms of aggressiveness. According to the DKG, over 100 different malignant forms are known. The individual risk of developing one of these in the course of life is in Deutschland quite high: According to the Robert Koch Institute, it is 42.3 percent for women and slightly higher at 49.3 percent for men. That means: Almost every second man in Germany will sooner or later develop a malignant tumor disease. In comparison, the risk increases with age. So age is an important factor.

Cancer cells often grow unnoticed and do not cause symptoms for a long time. But there are first warning signs of the body. (Iconic image) © Michael Osterrieder/imago

Symptoms such as a persistent cough or unexplained pain can be warning signs of cancer

So which symptoms should you pay attention to and make a doctor’s appointment? According to the secretary-general of the German Cancer Society, the “classic” symptoms commonly associated with cancer, such as fatigue, weight loss and pain, only appear when the cancer is already advanced, he writes Focus.

Nevertheless, the DKG recommends on its website to pay attention to the following signals from the body, as they can indicate a tumor disease. These are:

  • general:
  • tangible swelling, hardening or node on the skin, mucous membranes or in soft tissues – often without feeling pain

    Pains of unclear origin

    enlargement von lymph nodes in the armpits, groin or neck

  • Not or poorly healing wounds
  • paleness and anemia, permanent fatigueexhaustion, drop in performance
  • Fever, sweating, dizziness or tachycardia
  • Belly and abdomen:
  • Changes in bowel movements or Urinatee.g. pain, admixture of blood, increased urge to urinate or weak, interrupted flow of urine

    unusual and persistent changes in digestion


    persistent feeling of pressure or fullnessl, stomach pain or gas

    unusual bleeding or excretions out mouth, nose, intestines or urethra

    persistent burping and Vomit

    persistent loss of appetite and more inexplicable weight loss

  • ENT complaints:
  • changes on goiter

    persistent cough or change in a long-standing cough as well constant urge to cough

    bloody sputum when coughing

    chronic hoarseness

    shortness of breath

    persistent difficulties swallowing

  • Changes in the skin:
  • moles and warts in terms of their size, shape and colour
  • yellow discoloration of the skin (jaundice)
  • blotchy red palms
  • Liver Asterisk (spider-like dilated veins in the skin)
  • persistent itching
  • Neurological abnormalities:
  • emerging headache

    Seh- or hearing impairment


  • persistent itching

    signs of paralysis, Speech and coordination disorders or newly emerging clumsiness

    personality changes

Gender specific symptoms in men and women

Because of their different anatomy, not all cancers affect men and women equally. Men and women should therefore pay particular attention to certain symptoms, as they can indicate a gender-specific type of cancer.

Symptoms in women:

At 30 percent, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis in women, as determined by the RKI. Women should therefore especially on Changes in breast tissue respect, think highly of. It is advisable to check the breast regularly for lumps and hardening. They should also make sure that the Shape of the nipples changed or distorted.

Furthermore are noticeable bleeding absolutely to be clarified by a doctor: This means all bleeding that has nothing to do with the menstrual period, e.g. B. if they occur after menopause or after sexual intercourse. A brownish discharge should also be examined gynecologically.

Symptoms in men:

The most common type of cancer in men is prostate cancer, accounting for 24.6 percent of new cases. The testicles can also be affected by the disease – in 1.6 percent of cases the disease develops there.

Therefore step suddenly problems urinating on, you should go to the urologist. These include a weak or interrupted flow of urine, as well as the inability to urinate or difficulty in starting to urinate. Furthermore, men should Hardening or enlargement of the testicles pay attention as well as whether blood in the semen located.

What is the worst type of cancer? The most common type is rarely life-threatening

Die most common type of cancer in Germany, according to the RKI, the non-melanotic or “light” skin cancer. In contrast to malignant melanoma or “black skin cancer”, it rarely causes metastases and is therefore very rarely life-threatening. The mortality rate for non-melanoma skin cancer is 0.3 percent in women and 0.7 percent in men. It is higher for black skin cancer: 1.4 percent in women and 2.6 percent in men.

The chances of survival are also good for certain other types of cancer. Testicular cancer is easily curable if it is detected and treated in good time. Thyroid cancer also has a relatively good chance of being cured, as do prostate cancer and breast cancer. The latter mainly because of the close-meshed preventive care offers for women, who usually make use of them on a regular basis.

colon cancer is the second most common cancer in Germany. It accounts for 13.4 percent of new cases in men and 12 percent in women. At the same time, according to the RKI, colorectal cancer has a mortality rate of 10.8 percent in 2018. All the more important that Colon Cancer Symptoms good to know

According to the RKI, the third most common tumors are in the lung tissue, in 2018 it was 13.3 percent in men and 9.4 percent in women. In 22.8 percent of the cases, men died with this diagnosis, the mortality rate for women was somewhat lower: it was 15.8 percent.

Pancreatic cancer is also treacherous because it only causes symptoms very late – namely when the cancer attacks the surrounding organs. It is sixth in women and seventh in men in terms of frequency. However, the mortality rate for men is slightly higher at 13.5 percent than for women (9.9 percent).

Know risk factors for cancer and change habits

Experts agree: Certain behavior has an unfavorable effect on the personal risk of developing cancer. It is therefore particularly important to know the risk factors and to avoid them if possible.

The RKI attaches particular importance in this context Smoking to: 19 percent of cancers are therefore the tobacco use to attribute. But also Alcohol consumption, obesity and lack of exercise are important factors that can promote the development of tumors. Furthermore, UV light has a negative effect – particularly important in view of the fact that the summers in Germany are getting hotter and hotter.

The good thing is that these risk factors are usually avoidable if you are willing to break certain habits or build new ones into your life. On the other hand, little can be done about other things that increase the risk of cancer, such as age or genetic predisposition.

If you want to support your own body as positively as possible in the defense against cancer, the following is particularly recommended:

  • to quit smoking
  • to exercise sufficiently and regularly, preferably in the fresh air
  • drink less alcohol
  • maintain a healthy weight
  • eat a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Avoid sunbathing

    go for regular check-ups

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