Recovering from a Drunken New Year’s Eve: Expert Advice from Kévin Acriz

2024-01-01 06:11:00

Kévin Acriz from the Comédie pharmacy in Montpellier gives some advice for recovering from a drunken New Year’s Eve.

New Year’s Eve has just passed, and some people wake up somewhat confused by the excesses of the old woman. For that, no worries. Kévin Acriz, head pharmacist at the Comédie pharmacy, provides some valuable advice.

Drink water… without moderation!

“The most important thing is to drink water. Because a hangover is mainly a question of dehydration. This is why we generally recommend alternating between a glass of alcohol and a glass of water in the evening. And above all, drink a lot of water before going to bed,” he specifies. What remedy for the next day then? “There are hydration solutions that are generally given to children,” he explains.

Rebuild your intestinal flora

And if hydration is not enough, you can also turn to some food supplements “to rebuild your intestinal flora. After all the excesses of the holidays, in alcohol but also with food, it’s always a good thing”, he suggests.

Last resort, paracetamol

And in case of severe headache, opt for paracetamol. “But it’s really a last resort, because it attacks the liver, so it adds additional aggression to the organ,” he explains. Any last advice to start this new year off right? “Above all, it must remain exceptional. The body can fill in some excesses, but it must not be overused. For the month of January, remember to eat more sensibly to preserve your liver,” he concludes. At the time of the galette des rois, moderation must therefore be essential.

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