Red alert for extreme heat in Neuquén and Río Negro this Thursday: the affected areas

2024-01-24 22:29:30

He National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued for this Thursday the red, orange and yellow alerts by extreme temperatures in different parts of the provinces of Neuquen y Black river. The maximum is expected to reach 43°, a record for Northern Patagonia. Here we tell you which are the affected areas.

Red alert for extreme temperatures from Neuquén to Regina

The red level represents temperatures that can have a high to extreme effect on health, which is why they are very dangerous. They can affect all people, even healthy ones.

In Black riverthe Department General Roca and the east of El Cuy They will remain under red alert.

In Neuquén, those affected will be the departments Confluence -the most populated-, Añelo, Pehuenches and Picún Leufú.

In the capital of Neuquén, and in Roca, the maximum is expected to reach los 43°.

Orange alert for extreme temperatures

The orange level represents temperatures with a moderate to high effect on health. They can be very dangerous, especially for at-risk groups.

In Río Negro, the departments that will remain on orange alert are May 25, Nueve de Julio, Ñorquinco, Pilcaniyeu and west of El Cuy.

In Neuquén, it will cover the departments Catán Lil, Collón Curá, Zapala, the lower area of ​​Aluminé, the lower area of ​​Huiliches and the lower area of ​​Lácar.

Yellow alert for extreme temperatures

The yellow level represents temperatures with a mild to moderate health effect. They can be dangerous, especially for risk groups, such as boys and girls, people over 65 years of age, with chronic diseases.

In Río Negro it will affect the eastern and western extremes. Specifically to the departments Adolfo Alsina, Avellaneda, San Antonio, Valcheta, Conesa, Pichi Mahuida and Bariloche.

In Bariloche the maximum will reach 30°Cin Viedma at 41°C and in Las Grutas 40°C.

Heat wave in Neuquén and Río Negro: the recommendations of the Ministry of Health

-Increase water consumption without waiting to be thirsty to maintain adequate hydration.

-Do not expose yourself to the sun excessively, not even in the middle of the day (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.).

-Pay attention to babies, boys and girls and the elderly.

-Avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol or very sugary.

-Avoid very abundant meals.

-Eat vegetables and fruits

-Reduce physical activity.

-Wear light, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing; hat, dark glasses.

-Stay in ventilated or conditioned spaces.

-Remember that there is no pharmacological treatment against heat stroke and only the classic methods, mentioned above, can prevent and counteract it.

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