Reischenböck represents 10,000 employees |

2023-05-16 22:12:00

The 45-year-old from Altheim follows Wolfgang Jesina, who has held this position since 2012. Johannes Wölflingseder (BHS Vienna) and Sebastian Prohaska (Ordensklinikum Linz) were elected as their deputies. “I’m looking forward to successful works council work for our colleagues. It’s important to stick to the most important issues for the workforce, such as persistent inflation, the personnel situation, roster stability and further improvements in working conditions,” says Reischenböck.

“We congratulate Martina Reischenböck on the unanimous election and wish her all the best in her new role, in which she represents almost 10,000 employees. Employees in the health and care professions face many challenges and it is therefore important that they have a strong union representatives who stand up for their interests,” says Helmut Woisetschläger, state chairman of the vida trade union in Upper Austria.


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