Remembering Serge Heuvelinne: Organizer of the Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne Corrida and Environmental Advocate

2023-10-11 20:04:03

The death at the age of 69 of Serge Heuvelinne, organizer of the Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne Corrida with UPAC, the local athletics club, a 10-kilometer running race which takes place during the end-of-year holidays. Serge Heuvelline was also a great defender of the environment. In 2021, he decreed the end of plastic bottles and jerseys offered to reduce the carbon footprint of the event. Serge Heuvelinne was a sports teacher at the Saint-Michel high school in Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne and therefore saw several generations of Mayenne teenagers pass by.

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#Figure #athletics #Mayenne #organizer #ChâteauGontier #Corrida #Serge #Heuvelline #died

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