Rising Covid-19 Cases: The Impact of Eris Variant and Summer Gatherings

2023-08-25 11:02:10

The number of Covid-19 cases is on the rise again, driven by the Eris variant and summer gatherings (Illustration Photo / Getty Images).

The end of summer seems to rhyme with the return of the Covid. Since the end of July, the indicators have started to rise again, starting from very low levels. Under the effect of the Eris variant, a sub-variant of Omicron and more contagious, the number of cases seems to be on the rise again.

Seems because since July 1, epidemiological surveillance has evolved downwards: only the results of PCR tests are now reported to the authorities, unlike antigenic tests, carried out by pharmacies.

Significant increases

Despite this, monitoring is continuing and provides an overview of the evolution of the circulation of the virus on the territory, either thanks to visits to the emergency room for suspected Covid-19, but also to the interventions of SOS Médecins, which may order a PCR test, depending on the symptoms. Enough to assess the evolution of the number of visits to the emergency room for suspicion of Covid, from one week to the next, here between the week of August 9 to 15 and that of August 16 to 22.

Figures are increasing with the exception of two regions, but which may be biased by the presence of August 15, a public holiday, as well as by school holidays and the population movements that it entails in the southern regions mainly.

Increases whose percentages can be impressive, but which remain to be put into perspective. Thus, Corsica recorded the largest increase, but the number of emergency visits increased from 15 to 24 in one week. There were 444 emergency visits in Île-de-France against 329 the previous week, 390 in the PACA region against 261 the previous week, as indicated on this second map.

A weight of the Covid in the passages to the emergencies which can make fear a difficulty for the hospital staff, already in tension in many regions.

The Eris variant accounts for approximately 35% of cases

An increase in the heart of summer which nevertheless encourages some doctors to call for a return to wearing a mask, fearing that with the next drop in temperatures the impact will be greater on the hospital system.

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READ ALSO >> Covid: scientists sound the alarm on the new variant and call for the return of masks

According to the Gisaid platform, dedicated to monitoring Covid variants, Eris, also called EG.5, would represent around 35% of the cases currently recorded in France, which is rising sharply. If the WHO has placed Eris under surveillance, the symptoms are much the same as those of Omicron: sore throat, cough, headache, stuffy nose, hoarse voice, sneezing, muscle pain…

If the Eris variant seems more contagious, the specialists are rather confident, it would not be more severe than Omicron, recalling however that it can cause a long Covid. “Eris” was first identified in July 2023 in the US and UK.

VIDEO – Health Book – Dr Christian Recchia: “The long Covid can ruin your life but there are solutions”

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