Rising Incidence of Cancer in Younger Adults: Causes, Prevention, and Early Detection

2023-12-21 02:31:45

Cancers among those under 50, previously extremely rare, are increasing. “They have almost doubled,” says the head of the Medical Oncology Department at CHUV Solange Peters. In his eyes, this is “an alarming signal”.

“Among those over 65, the number of cases is increasing but this is attributable to the aging of the population,” explains the specialist on Thursday in 24 Heures.

Among those under 50, cancers were extremely rare. “It’s changing,” she said. “These are small numbers compared to seniors, but they have almost doubled. It’s an alarming signal.” The increase concerns in particular cancers of the breast, colon, pancreas, liver, prostate, kidney and uterus.

The excess of artificial sugars and additives in the diet could add to well-identified risk factors such as obesity, physical inactivity, tobacco and alcohol. “In our so-called developed countries, this development therefore seems linked to our way of life,” says Ms. Peters.

“Unacceptable inequalities”

Other links are emerging, between overconsumption of red meat and digestive tumors, between pollution and damage to the respiratory or even urinary tract, or between hormones and breast cancer, she explains.

A healthy lifestyle is a good basis for prevention, even if genetic and infectious factors can also play a role, indicates the oncologist. On the other hand, she underlines the importance of early detection, several of them being taken care of by the cantons.

And it’s better to consult rather than let it drag on when you have symptoms, she says. “But there, unfortunately, our health insurance system already creates unacceptable inequalities.”


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