Risks and Challenges of Pregnancy After 35: What every woman needs to know

2023-08-24 10:00:00

Written by Mervat Rashad Thursday, August 24, 2023 01:00 PM

Some women are keen to postpone pregnancy journey Until they achieve some professional position and financial stability, and as a result, many women also get married late. Pregnancy after 35 and until the age of 40 automatically puts women in the AMA category. Here are some of the risks women may face in this category, according to As published by “hindustantimes”.

Dr. Sangeeta Rodeo, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, India, said: “Although this label may suggest risks, it is essential to understand that successful pregnancy after 35 years is common, albeit with some risks. The chances of a successful pregnancy decrease, as the stock and quality of eggs diminish, along with hormonal changes.

Some of the maternal and fetal risks that women in the AMA class may face include the following –


As a woman approaches menopause, pregnancy may become longer and more difficult. Because a woman begins her life with a set number of eggs, this number decreases over time. Eggs may also be of lower quality as a woman ages, making it difficult to fertilize or implant. .


As the quality of the egg decreases, the risk of miscarriage increases. In addition, pregnancy loss can increase if the woman has comorbidities such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Stillbirth is another possibility, so all prenatal appointments should be kept, especially If the woman belongs to the AMA class.

Chromosome problems:

Older women are more at risk of having chromosome problems in their unborn children. For example, the risk of having a child with Down syndrome is about 1 in 365 for women age 35.

Gestational diabetes and high blood pressure:

A pregnant woman with diabetes runs the risk of having a baby that grows exponentially while it is still inside the womb. In such a situation, there is a high risk of infection at birth. In addition, high blood pressure (for the mother) can cause pre-eclampsia and other complications (for the baby).

Dr. Sangeeta Rodeo highlighted, “Other complications include premature labour, chromosomal abnormalities in the mother, intrauterine growth restrictions, prematurity, and autism spectrum disorders in the child. Furthermore, women of advanced maternal age are more likely to undergo induced labor and elective caesarean section.

And she concluded: “It is also important to remember that infertility and pregnancy complications can occur at any age, and it is possible to have a healthy pregnancy and birth even if the woman belongs to an advanced age group, and it is best to consult a gynecologist or specialist if you are having difficulty with Pregnant or looking for options beyond a normal pregnancy.

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