Rodrigo Noya chose Sabrina Carballo to spend a night in a suite: Chanchi Estévez’s reaction

Rodrigo Noya won the competition in The hotel of the famous and shared his prize with Sabrina Carballo (El Trece)

Among the 16 participants of The Hotel of the famousthe reality of The thirteen which premiered last Monday, two of them had a love story in common. Is about the actress Sabrina Carballo and the former footballer Maximiliano Chanchi Estevez, who were a couple for four years. Indeed, in the previous chapter, the driver Pampita Ardohain made reference to the matter, which led to an emotional exchange between the two.

Backstage, the actress fondly remembered the striker. “Maxi was, is and will be a very important person in my life”he pointed with glazed eyes. Back in the apartment, the choreographer wanted to know what had ended with the couple of four years. “It was spent. I went to play outside…”, explained the former Racing. “I don’t like to talk about my private life, but love is not over, he is my family,” he assured and launched a forceful phrase: “If you need an organ tomorrow, I’ll give it to you”.

At that point, Pampita went straight to the bone. “Did either of you get heartbroken?”the driver inquired, provoking everyone’s emotions. “I don’t want to talk about this, because I really love him, and I feel like I broke his heart.. We both feel very bad, ”replied the actress through tears, which were now shared. “I love her a lot and I’m also a guy who gets excited”, pointed out the Chanchi.

At the Hotel de los Famosos, Sabrina Carballo and Chanchi Estévez remembered their love story

Returning to Wednesday’s program, the dynamics tested the guest team, which includes Sabrina. Participants had to combine a challenge of physical dexterity and balance with their ability to solve mathematical calculations. Whoever did it in the first place, was entitled to spend a night in a luxury suite. And the winner by a wide margin was the actor Rodrigo Noya.

But the prize did not end there. “This is surprising, because you can choose a partner to spend the night with you. It can be from the guests or from the staff”, indicated Pampita. There is a double bed, the most comfortable in the world, ”she added. chinese leunis. and the former Agrandadytos He didn’t think too much about it:I will share with Sabrihe announced, generating all kinds of reactions.

It should be noted that during the preview, while the staff did gardening, the guests enjoyed the pool, where both actors had been seen together for a long time. And during breakfast, they starred in another gag, when the actress offered to clean his glasses and ex brothers and detectives He replied that he saw her as a mother. “The relationship we generate is like that of mother and son”he pointed out, but his partner did not like it at all. “What a mother-son, stupid!”he snapped, and Noya backed away, reconfiguring the bond as that of a younger sister.

Rodrigo Noya and Sabrina Carballo in the luxury suite (El Trece)

“I have known Sabri from before. Little, but the house allowed us to connect a lot. She is very perceptive and realizes when someone needs to talk and that is what I need right now.”, he explained backstage. And with this background, he was not surprised that he had chosen her to join him in the luxury suite. But then, the looks were directed at the Chanchi, to see how the decision affected him.

“I don’t think it bothers him at all, because he saw us coexist and knows the kind of bond we have,” Noya ventured. However, the former footballer did not seem to like the issue very much. “No comments”, he limited himself to saying, but accompanied by an eloquent gesture of displeasure that was worth more than a thousand words.

Sabrina and Rodrigo went to the suite, where Silvina Moonas part of the staff, he brought them a bottle of champagne. After toasting, they saw the archive images that the production had prepared for them, and they shared different moments of their professional and personal lives. But the intimacy got there, because after a party that released tensions and exacerbated tempers, Noya invited Alex Caniggia to keep them company, which Sabrina did not like half. More because of her personality, and a certain lack of cleanliness of the Emperorthat for having interrupted a romantic moment, that nobody knows how it would have ended.


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