Romelu Lukaku’s Departure from Inter Milan: The Inside Story

2023-07-29 09:20:07

But where will Romelu Lukaku land? The mystery remains, but we know in any case where he will not stay, it is at Inter Milan. The twists and turns romance between the two parties has come to an end, this has been confirmed Simone Inzaghithe coach of the Milanese.

Currently on a pre-season tour with Inter, the coach gave an interview after sharing his views against Al-Nassr. At the microphone of Sport Mediaset In the press conference, Inzaghi regretted the way things happened: “This story deserved a different ending […] jgave a lot of my time to try to bring him back to us. Last year too, the club and I did everything for him to play for Inter. He had the love of the whole Inter family” before concluding, “I thank him for what he gave last year: when he came back from injury, his help was important to achieve the goals .”

Statements with a slightly tense face. Sign of a story that ended in discomfort. Romelu is rumored to have agreed to negotiate with Juventus while Inter Milan wanted to extend the adventure with the Belgian, which the club did not appreciate at all. In the meantime, Lukaku has resumed training with Chelsea, the club to which he still belongs.

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