Rosario child hospitalized for acute hepatitis must be transplanted

The medical team that treats the 8 year old boythe first boarding school for hepatitis agudadecided to register him on the Incucai list, so that they enable him a Liver transplant. The patient is admitted to the Children’s Sanatorium of Rosario.

As in the last few hours the child showed no signs of improvement, the professionals of the Liver Unit and Children’s Sanatorium Liver Transplant decided that a transplant was necessary as fast as possible. It is unknown if the donor will be a person related to his family, which is usual in these cases.

The little boy was hospitalized after he presented organic complications due to acute hepatitis. His situation became relevant because it was linked to the alert issued by the World Health Organization in relation to the surprising increase in cases of severe childhood hepatitis without known cause in Great Britain and other countries of the northern hemisphere.

So far four boys have died from this condition and research continues to determine how this disease originates and the cases are related.

How was the child’s progression?

Last Friday the patient was transferred to the Children’s Private Sanatorium from the North Zone Children’s Public Hospital where the disease of unknown origin was detected.

What are the differences between the new acute hepatitis and the A and B

In this highly complex private sanatorium, located on 863 Alvear Street in Rosario’s macrocenter, the “only” center in the region specializing in “liver pediatrics and liver transplantation” operates. The Minister of Health of Santa Fe, Sonia Martorano, assured then that in the investigation to determine the causes of the minor’s condition, “a team of experts work together” and that the Malbrán Institute was also involved, where Samples were sent for analysis.


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